Quad-City Times from Davenport, Iowa (2024)

Monday evening rHE DAVENPORT DEMOCRAT AND LEADER- march 12, 1934. Lost and Found Auction Auction Money to Loan RADIO L5vttIk MRS. NETTLETON OF MONTPELIER, DIES ON SUNDAY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14th at 12 Sharp IOWA CITY SALES PAVILION FIVE DAVENPORT MEN AT DUBUQUE P. O. DEDICATION Five members of the Davenport postoffice staff drove to Dubuque this morning to attend dedicatory exercises for the new postoffice and federal building erected there at a total cost of $512,000, includ ing purchase price of the site.

The delegation consisted of Chas S. Lewis, postmasrei, Charles J. B. Meyer, assistant postmaster; Vincent Coleman, superintendent of mailes; William H. Zimmerman, assistant superintendent of mails; and Frank Shaw, foreman of Iowa City, Iowa 330 CATTLE, including whiteface calves, Butcher Stock, Stock Steers and Heifers.

100 FEEDING PIGS AND SOWS. Some good LAMBS AND EWES. We expect quite a number of good HORSES. 1 RIDING PONY. FARM MACHINERY.

Sears Saddlery Company will be here with a load of horses Sale will start promptly at 12:00 o'clock. This is a hot market. W. STEFFEN, ONCE RESIDENT HERE, SUCCUMBS Native of Scott County Dies in Lincoln, Services Wednesday. Funeral services for William A.

Steffen, 60, former resident of Sr.ott County, who died Wednesday at 6 p. at Bryan Memorial hospital in Lincoln, following an extended illness, will be held Wednesday at 2 p. at the Runge chapel. Uurial will be in Maysville cemetery. Born in Allen's Grove township.

Scott County, on Oct. 14, 1873, University of Iowa. For many years he was associated In the contracting and building business liere, prior to going to Lincoln 20 years ago, to assume a position as architect with a large concern there. Surviving are two brothers, G. A.

Steffen of Maysville, and Henry Steffen of Dixon. The body was brought to the Runge mortuary at 10:55 o'clock this morning. JEFFERSONIANS WILL SPONSOR DANCINGPARTY First Social Affair Presented by Society Scheduled Thursday Night. wa Clij Safe Gatens and GAY, Managers LOST SCREW TAIL BRINDLE BULL DOG Mottled brown and white, wearing collar with brass ntucl.s. Answers to name Tobey, Child's pet.

He-ward. KEX. 372 nit KEN. DINNER KING with white atonrs. lost between 2nd and 5th or N.

W. car. Howard, Ken. 3720. FOX TERKI Iilirdniair white.

spotted stub tail, lost near liuffalo; name Spot, lifward. Ken. HUNCH OK KEYS KOl.ND. pay for ad at Democrat. Identify.

BULL I'll' LOST, black and white, name liumper. Reward. VV. EMBROIDERED picture, tern, downtown. Reward.

floss, pat- K. 2 JejpJVanted Male Man Under 25 With Car Hish School or College Graduate preferred. Must be willing to work on straight commission basis. Write at once, stating previous employment. Address 259 Democrat WE WANT TO SELECT a reliable young man, now employed, with foresight, fair education and mechanical Inclinations, who Is willing to train during spare time or evenings, to qualify as INSTALLATION and SERVICE expert on all tvpes ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS.

Write fully. Riving age, phone, present occupation 248 Democrat. MEN' to distribute samples and take orders. Must furnish character references. About $4.50 per day to start Mr.

Khadle, 209 Lane Iildg, LEARN RA BERING Profitable work. Any style hair cut. 15c. Trl-Ctv Rarber School. Davenport.

Iowa Wanted Salesmen SALESMAN WANTED Thoroughly experienced salesman, not over 23 years old. unmarried, and a college graduate for Tri-Cities and suburban territory. SaWry and commission basis. Character and ability must, bear close investi pa I ion. This Is an opportunity to connect with a high-class internationally known organization.

Give full particulars in your replv. ADDRESS 253. DEMOCRAT Help Wanted Aeen: AGENTS wanted, commission, plus drawing account if you can make good. Legal reserve life. Write, giving eddress and phone to 1-124.

Democrat. Situation -Female order from your material or mine. Remodeling, molding to the head a Wal. 788 715 Main. Instructions LADIEsTnvited to visit the Flower Studio.

Free instruction, materials at wholesale. 210 W. 4th Apt. 1. Painting and Paper Hanging C.

A. Peterson. Ken. 2298 PAPER HANGING, painting and decorating. H.

W. Glovka, W. 2279. For Rent Rooms WARM ROOMS, Inner spring beds, day or week: low rates. Reserve now STANDARD HOTEL.

712 W. 2nd St. TWO adjoining furnished house-keep ing rooms. 424 East Sixth St. TOTJNG MEN.

clean, attractive rooms at Y. M. C. reasonable Ken. 93; 2 MODERN sleeping rooms, suitable for 1 or 2.

Ken. 741 2-W. For Rent Houses ATTRACTIVE 1-room modeTnhous? A-l condition. 903 Perry Ken 1091 FOUR-ROOM modern upper duplex; heat, water. 1022'A W.

Sth. K. 6408. MODERN furnished 6-room house at im Perching. Ken.

For Rent Apnrtmt modern, well furnished apart-ment. 1211 W. Sth. Wanted to Buy ESTABLISHED grocery wanted in good neighborhood. State price.

Write 2ri0, care Democrat. MODEL Ford touring. In running condition. Ken. 741-V, after 5:30.

Real Estate For Sale 5-ROOM modern bungalow, double ga-rage, 0. Julius Junge, Ken. 43, The Davenport Democrat and Leader Classified Advertising Rates No advertising will be accepted for leas than 25 cents. Average five words for each line. 1 or 2 insertions 12 cents per line each Insertion.

3, 4 or 6 Insertion 11 cents per line each Insertion. 6 insertions 10 cents per line each Insertion. 10 per cent discc*nt will be allowed for cash with order or within 5 days after the last insertion. Minimum ad two lines. The Classified Page closes daily at 11:30 a.

m. except Saturdays, when it closes at 11 p. m. The Democrat reserves the right to edit all copy and restrict advertisem*nts to their proper classifications. The Democrat will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion of each ad, 27 By QUICK CONFIDENTIAL LOANS to SB' The Household l-oan Plan offers loans of ZI)Q or less to husbands and wives at a reasonable rate.

If you are keeping house and can make regular monthly payments, yoo have the security needed. Strictly confidential. Husband and wife only need sign. No endorsers. 20 months to Come In, phone or write.

HOUSEHOLD Finance Corporation of America 1005 KAHL BUILDING Third and Ripley Pts. Ken 1115 Household Office In Mollne I.oans made in nearby towns NEED MONEY A HUHEY? WOULD A LOAN of 1300 or les help you to pay bills and hnve money you need for other purposes? REASONABLE RATE9. Liberal Payment Plan and prompt, confidential service for forty-seven years. No obligation for full details. PERSONAL PROPERTY, AUTO AND SALARY LOANS COMMONWEALTH LOAN CO.

302 UNION BANK BUILDING Third and Brady Sts. KENWOOD 2425 Licensed by the State Business Estn hushed 1S81 Member NRA 15-Minute Service Refinancing cash advanced, payments reduced. Drive while you pay. Use our garage for free parking while arranging tor loan. Strictly confidential.

MOTOR FINANCE CO Across from Courthouse. Phone Ken. 1569. 415 West 4th St For Sale Miscellaneous Hangers Pulleys We offer for sale all the hangers, pulleys, belting, shafting from a large plant In Clinton. Many ball-bearing hangers Included, all sizes.

Harry Alter Sons 514 S. Howell St. Phone Wal. 1400 BUi used and new furniture tn good condition. BARGAIN FURNITURE STOKE 123 East Second St.

A BARGAIN COALr-Lump, $4.75. Jo, Kgg. Nut, Screenings. kindling. 60c.

Wal. 1410. LADIES navy blue suit, size 18; also evening lacKct. iven. oih-j.

COOK STOVE, lipht gray enamel. $25 Wm. Blund. n' th of airport. ROPER gas stove, almost new, cheap.

Grand Ave. Legal Notice NOTICE BIDS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES The Office of the Secretary of the Board of Education is now preparing, tor dealers, lists of materials needed for the next school year. These lists include supplies sold pupils. Janitor and General Supplies and materials used in the various departments. All persons who desire to receive these lists mnv obtain them at the office of the Secretary.

lOul Harrison Street, Davenport, Iowa. Telephone Walnui. SSuO. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF DAVENPORT F. P.M'MG ARTNEIt.

Secretary Lodge Notices A ft tK A DAVENPORT LODGE NO. 37 Entered Apprentice Degree Monday, March 12th. at 7:30 p. m. Refreshments Visiting brethren always welcome.

TRINITY LODGE NO. 208 Fellowcraft Degree, Friday, March 16, 1934, at 7:30 p. m. Visiting Brethren always welcome. fratTIrnal lodge no.

221 Entered Apprentice Degree, Wednesday, March 14th, 7:30 p. m. Restoration of King Solomon's Temple Wednesday. March 21st, 8:00 p. in.

by Rev. Chas. E. Snyder. Welcome, all visit-ing brethren.

ROOSEVELT LODGE NO. fi26 Thursday evening, March 15th. at 7:30 a Second Degree, or a School in It. Look again in a day or so. DAVENPORT CHAPTER NO.

16. R. A. will meet Tuesday. April 3.

at 7:30 p. m. Regular Convocation, Refreshments. Visitors welcome. "AST.

SIMON OK CYRENE COM. tjtjjl ANDKKY, No. 9, K. Will in ei jnui Nuay, ivinrcri iimii, I P. in.

worn in the oraer oi the Temple. Visitors welcome. O. S. DAVENPORT CHAPTER No 178 Stated meeting Monday.

March 12th, at 8 p. m. By Anna Jens. W. ERNIE BUSIIMILLER HER, THESE ARE FROM THE 'J TONIGHT'S FEATURES 6:30 "Mutio by Gershwin," George Gershwin and his orchestra.

WENR. 7:00 Inaugural program of World Broadcasting System recordings. WHBF. 7:00 Harold Stokes' orchestra with the Monn Sisters, the King's Jest. trs, and Cliff Soubier.

WLS. 7:15 Charlie Agnew's orchestra. WOC. WHO. 7:15 Premiere of a new music pro.

gram, "Organ with Leonard ialvo. WGN. 7:30 Lawrence Tibbett. baritone, and William Daly's orchestra. WOC- WHO.

WMAQ. 7:30 Blnq Crosby with the Mills Brothers. WABC, WHAS. WBBM. KMOX.

8:00 Gypsies orchestra; Frank Park. er, tenor. WEAF, WMAQ. WOC- WHO. 8:00 Philadelphia orchestra; Levin conducting.

WBBM. 8:30 "The Big Show," with Mady Christians and Emile Boreo. stage stars. WBBM, WABC. WCCO.

WHAS. 9:00 "Star Gazing," a discussion on Mars, with Dr. Oliver J. Lee and Dr. C.

L. Turner of North, western university. WGN. 9:30 National Radio Forum; Senator Clarence C. Dill of Washington, speaker.

KYW, WEAF. 10:00 Henry Busse orchestra. WABC. WBBM. WCCO, WMT.

10:20 Vincent Lopez orchestra. NBC-WEAF network. 11 TOO George Olsen orchestra. NBC WEAF network. 11:30 College Inn orchestra.

WOC-WHO. Federal Loan Drive Majors Are Selected Majors for the campaign to enlist shareholders for the new First Federal Savings and Loan association which will be held March 26 to 30, have been selected and the various divisions have been assigned the names ot crafts benefiting thru home building. Persons engaged In these various crafts are being asked to serve as captains or team woikers on their craft groups. The majors and the crafts they "head" are as follows: W. P.

Peterson, decorators and painters; Frank Betty, contractors and architects; Al Thomas, plasterers and carpenters; John Hynes, electricians and roofers; Otto Seiffert, materials and supplies; George Dempsey, plumbers and steam fitters; Ben Comenitz, bricklayers and masons; William C. Blaser, household appliances and nursery men. There will be three with ssx workers each in each of the eight divisions. REV. RENDALL, 60, MUSCATINE DIESSUDDENLY Pastor of First Presbyterian Church 22 Years Is Summoned.

Muscatine, March 12. The Rev. John B. Rendall, pastor of the First Presbyterian church the past 22 years, prominent in Masonic, welfare and church circles in Muscatine, died suddenly at 9 o'clock this morning in his home, 415 Iowa avenue. A blood clot caused his death.

The pastor had just returned from downtown where he had gone to the postoffice when he was stricken. Yesterday he conducted the usual services in his church, delivering the sermon in the morning and attending the revival meeting in the First Methodist church in. the evening. He appeared to be in good health and the news of his sudden passing brought deep sorrow thruout the city. A native of Lincoln University, he was the son of the Rev.

John B. and Mrs. Rendall. His father had been a missionary to India. Completing his theological studies, the Rev.

Mr, Rendall 22 years ago accepted a pastorate here and became one of the outstanding figures in his church in this section of the state. His marriage to Miss Nellie Musser took place June 24, 1908 in Mifflin-town, Penn. In addition to his church duties he had been a member of the advisory board of the Salvation Army, active in the Welfare association and public health service. He was one of the organizers of a good will fellowship campaign and prominent in Presbyterian circles for his interest in mission work. His widow; three brothers: the Rev.

Hugh, Mendham, the Rev. Humphrey, Morrison, and the Rev. J. Hawley, Beverly, X. survive.

The Rev. Mr. Rendall was past grand prelate of the grand com-mandery, Iowa Knights Templar, 1923-25; past master ot Iowa lodge, Masons, and past eminent commander of DeMolay commandery, Knights Tempiar, Muscatine. Opportunist. jEE Tou rc i nc FOURTH GUY THAT SENT HER.

A BOUQUET TODAY-' Mrs. Clara Margaret Hartmau Nettleton, Gfc, a resident of Mont-pelier for over 21 years, died Sunday at 10 p. at her home, following a lingering illness. Born on Feb. 7, 1866 in Betten-dorf, she was educated in the schools there.

On Feb. 19, 1909, she was married to A. T. Nettle-ton of Montpelier. The couple have resided on a farm near Montpelier for over 21 years.

Mrs. Nettleton was of Lutheran faith. She was affiliated with the Order of Eastern Star, and was a charter member of Rebecca lodge. Surviving besides her husband, the two step sons, Clyde and Howard Net tleton of Mohall, N. one sister, Mrs.

Dora Broksieck of Davenport; one niece, Miss Clara Hart-man of Boston; and one nephew, Walter Hartman of Davenport. The body was taken to the Hill Fredericks mortuary. Funeral announcement will be made later. ROTARY HEARS OF DEVELOPMENT OF TALKING PICTURE Advancement which has been made in developing the 16 millimeter talking picture film was told to the Davenport Rotary club at Hotel Blackhawk this noon by George E. Beyer, advertising manager of the Victor Animatograph Davenport.

Mr. Beyer said that the narrow film had been brought virtually as near as possible torthe state of perfection attained by the regular sized film used in theaters, a ribbon 35 millimeters wide. "The talking picture is gaining recognition as one of the most effective teaching mediums of the present day," Mr. Beyer said. "Schools and Industries are using it more and more widely." To illustrate the advancement that has keen made, Mr.

Beyer showed several reels of film, one telling the story of transportation on American Airways lines and the others a cartoon and singing short. Miss E. Blackburn, Student In East, Is Taken ToHospitall a Miss Elizabeth Blackburn, daughter of Attorney -and Mrs. Merrill M. Blackburn of 2519 Pershing avenue, is confined with pneumonia in a hospital in Rochester, N.

according to word received Sunday by her parents. Mrs. Blackburn left Sunday afternoon for Rochester, arriving there early today. Miss Blackburn has been ill for the past several days, but it was not considered serious until Sunday, when doctors announced that acute pneumonia had developed. She is a recent graduate of Davenport high school, and is now enrolled in her freshman year of music at the Eastman school of music of the University of Rochester.

She is taking special violin and cello work. Miss Blackburn visited here during the Christmas holidays. SWAN F. LEWIS, 93, LQGKRIDGE, DIESSDNDAY Jefferson County Resident 65 Years Called; Native of Sweden. Special lo Tk4 Democrat Fairfield, March 12.

Swan Fred Lewis. 93, native of Sweden and for over 65 years a resident of Jefferson county, died in the home of his son, A. J. Lewis, a mile south of Lockridge, Sunday afternoon. He had been in poor health for the past three years.

Mrs. Lewis was born in Sweden, Jan, 9, 1841 and came to the Lockridge vicinity in 1SG8 where he settled. Surviving are three sons, A. J. and Frank of near Lockridge; and Albert of Selah, Washington, as well as a number of grand and great grand children.

Mrs. Lewis died nine years ago, The body was brought to the Hoskins funeral home here but arrangements had not been completed. Burial will probably be near Lockridge. 2. WHO SENT THE OTHERS? THEY ANY THEY NEW HEADSTONES FOR CEMETERY ON ARSENAL ISLAND Special It The Democrat Washington, D.

March 12. The national cemetery on Rock Island will share in an appropriation of $174,230 for new headstones, included in the war department appropriation bill passed last week by the house, according to a report submitted to the house appropriations committee by Major General J. L. DeWitt, quartermaster general of the army. General DeWitt told the committee that due to a decreased supply and an anticipated increase in the contract price of headstones, there will be a period of nearly six months when delivery ot the stones will stop.

He said he expected "a storm of protest" from members of congress, their constituents and patriotic organizations on the delay and non-supply of headstones. There were 41 interments in the Rock Island cemetery during the fiscal year 1933, which with a total of 663 interments since the Rock Island cemetery was established in 1S63 brought the total number of interments in the cemetery to 704, according to General DeWitt's report. OPTOMETRISTS TO MEET TUESDAY AT HOTEL BLACKHAWK Optometrists of the Tri-Cities district of the Iowa state associa tion of Optomethists will hold a dinner meeting at the Black Hawk Hotel Tuesday evening at 6 p. m. Some of the latest research work in modern optometric technique will be presented by Drs.

P. II. Johnston and John J. Martin, both of Davenport. Dr.

Alfred J. Meyer, Davenport, chairman, will be in charge Announcements NrTRJSfH contracted by anyone except myself. Fred Schmidts Hair Removed jnjpfcnFLucu permanently removed with multiple needle. Mr. A.

M. Kittredge. Pernr 4th Ken 804 Legal Notice NOTICE OK HEARING. Notice of Hearing on Report of Receiver of Community Loan Company on Classification. Allowance and Rejection of Claims.

Frank J. Rohner. Plaintiff, vs. Community Loan Company, Defend ant. In Equity No.

23432. Notice is hereby given that Emll F. Schroder. Receiver of Community Loan Company, on February 27, 1M4, filed In the Office of the Clerk of the District Court for Scott County, at Davenport. Iowa, his Report entitled "Report of Receiver on Classification Allowance and Rejection of That the Court has set the aforesaid Report.

for hearing at the Court House nt Davenport, on the 30th day of March, 1934. at 2 o'clock P. 31., before which time creditors and any other persons having an interest there in, may file exceptions to tho said Report and to the Classification, Allowance and Rejection of claims as set forth In said Report. All creditors of Community Loan Company, and any and all other persons interested in said matter, will take due notice of the filing of the aforesaid Report and the time of hear ing thereon, and of the right to expect thereto, and govern themselves accordingly. Dated this 27th day of Februarys 1934.

EMIL F. SCHRODER, Receiver, Community Loan Company. NATHAN GRANT, Attorney for Receiver. NOTICE OF PROBATE In the District Court of the State of Iowa, In and for Scott County. In the Matter of the Will of Margaret V.

Ziebarth, Deceased. To All whom it may concern Take Notice: An Instrument bearing date the 10th day of February. 1934, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Mnrgnret V. Ziebarth, late of Scott County, Iowa, deceased, was on the 3rd dav of March. 1934, produced In the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Iowa, in and for Scott County, and by said Clerk filed, opened, and publicly read: and.

thereafter, to-wit, the same dav, the 31st dav of March. 1934, being a dav of the March, 1934. Term of said District Court, to be holden at the Court House In Davenport, Iowa, was fixed for proving the same; and on or before 9 o'clock A. of the said Ante all persons Interested are notified to show cause. If any there be.

why said Will shall not be duly allowed Snd probated. Davenport, Iowa. March 3rd. 1934 NIC 17E OR AND, Clerk of District Court. OLIVE S.

CLEMENTS. Deputy. FIOERSCn IIOERSCn. Attorneys. DIDN'T GIVE I Livestock, Poultry, Eggs Buy Hawkeye Chicks Scientifically hatcned from flocks carefully culied and mated by our poultry inspector, Specializing tit either day old or started chicks.

Thousands every week at lowest prices. Complete line of brooder houses stoves, poultry supplies, feeds and remedies. Everything for the poultry raisers Hawkeye Chickeries, Inc. PHONE KEN. 5061 Opposite rpi Valley Fair Grounds A BABY CHICK OF SUPERIOR QUALITY From flocks of an egg producing strain.

Culled and mated by a poultry expert. Hlue ribbon winners in ail shows entered. Thousands of baby chicks hatched daily. Lowest price fi i fl SUPERIOR HATCHERIES Locust and Division Sts. Phone Us Ken.

2211 A Baby Chick iou Have Been Waiting For Blood tested for D. (Antigen Methodt. All floeks culled by Judge F. Shellabarger. I.owest prices I ways considering finality.

We do custom hatching. KRAKLOW HATCHERIES 1718 W. Locust. Davenport. Ken.

2fif-3 EARLY BIRD CHICKS The Choice of the Season Iowa accredited and B. W. D. tested (Antigen method) Real quality at the right price. Featuring started chicks.

GET EARLY BIRD CHICKS For Health For Growth For Eggi EARLY BIRD HATCHERIES 1405 Harrison St. Phone Ken 1782 DEVIL'S GLEN CHICKS Iowa accredited. Iowa Pullorum tested Everv breeder tested for B. W. D.

with stained antigen. Quality chicks for 22 years, we deliver to uaven-nort. Devil's Glen Hatchery. Betten- dorf. Code Certificate No.

4382. K. 4879 8 HEAD horses for sale or trade. 3600 North Harrison, second place north Duck crepk. Auctioneers C.

SCHNACK, Auctioneer R. R. No. 4. Davenport Phone Eldridge 1404 H.

Vv'ILCKEN, Auctioneer 1756 W. 12th Davenport Ken 3207 Medical Specialists WETREAT piles, fistula, rupture Acute or chronic blood, nervous, private and special diseases. Examination free. TRI-CITY SPECIALISTS Established at Corner Fourth and Brady streets over 17 years. By LARS ACBOSS 1 Without speech 5 Musical scale Vauim 14 Genus ol shrubs 15 Winged IS Effective stroke (si.

I 17 Turkestan tribe 18 Dofctrlne ID French river 2D Indian hunting felines 23 Bombarded 4 Female beep' Betora 26 Those who frighten JO Clutched 34 In this msnner 35 Parlor seats it Weed mentioned In Bible 3 Pole 39 Piece of tree 40 Rollo 41 Biblical oracle 41 Stormed 4fi fchnre-rent farmer of ten yearn-0 Cut off 1 bl Baseball club t3 Advanced college course fS Allowances of food 60 Pertaining to eat Bl Walkine sticks CI Dealt notice I Jit S4 Arrow ea Corrode Not one 67 Swedish ('. Hillocks 6a Appear DOWN 1 Circular Western 3 -Bare Automobiles 100 Late Model 100 AUTOMOBILES WILL PAY CASH. NO RED TAPE OR DELAYS Warren L. Langwith 415 VV. 4th Davenport.

Iowa. WANTED 50 USED CARS I buy sell and trade all makes ofcarsi win rennance your car. LOUIS dockterman: 14 Yenrs at Present Location i.ll 3rd St. Phone Ken ill WE WANT TO BU5t 100 AUTOMOBILES 10O FOR SPOT CASH. Highest pricca paid for all models.

S25 to BRING CARS GET CASH No Waiting VINCENT J. NEU A RELIABLE CAR DEALER 315 2nd St Kenwood INSTALL Cords Piston Rings Slop oil pumping, restore power, win overhauling vour motor. Cord Rli 320 R. Dav. Ken.

Radio KELLOGG radio: must sell, reason-, able. 1308 Street. Business Notice SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ALL MAKES mi, it uur uonaeo iteprti- I sentatlve will call G3 I at your home and tSI 11 mnke a FREE ESTIMATE ALL WORK GUARANTEED Parte for All Makes Slightly Scuffed Samples Used Marhines PETERS EN-HARN'ED-VON MAUR Attorneys CARROLL BKDS. Lawyers. Managers of Davenport Abstract Co.

Own complete set of abstract books of Scott County. Loans, real estate and Insurance Offices 301-304 Lane Building. I'sven port, Iowa. LOUIS KtDLEWIG Attorney at Law. 715 Putnam Bldg.

Pb Ken 5afi4 Res Ken M1. Off Upholstering; DAVENPORT UPHOLSTERING CO. Good work. Free estimates. Wal.

73S MORRIS 4 In hires br beating 5 Collects 6 Beverage 7 Human Western Indian 9 Ties to stake 10 Ltwijtt not 11 Indigo Offense (againat sovereign power 13 Man's nickname at Here Mttiua fer-a Period of ttme 26 Play oa banjo 27 Duty 28 Examine account 21 Pertaining to sua 30 Measured il Removed Sfcln :2 toothed Deprecsioiii 26 Heavy mist 42 Hutreds 43 Stepped again 44 Lowrrs 4 Countries 47 Th.it tliere 4 Feline bi Earth 53 Sicilian volcano 5 Aspect 55 Unusual 58 Advice (archaic! 57 Wind Instrument 8 Number S.t-Part or plant W-PreBi: not i O0 TjAI EMT RaJPI The Scott County Jeffersonian bo-cif ty will bold its first annual dance and gettoRether at Danceland ballroom Thurscay night and a special invitation has been extended to everyone interested in the nuc-ifKS of the Democratic party. This affair will not be for members of the Jeffersonian society alone, but will be open to the general public, and some well known members of the Democratic party from other cities in the Second district are expected to be in attendance. Walter 11. Bouse, well known young Democrat of the city, is chairman of the affair, and anticipates an unusually large crowd to assemble, with the coming city campaign just getting under way, and by reason of the fact that many will come from surrounding towns. A special.

Invitation was sent to members of the Rock Island county Jeffersonian organization. Tickets are being disposed of by members of the society, and every Democratic candidate at the coming city election will be In attendance. Tickets may also be obtained at the door the evening of the entertainment. James O'Dette and his Paramount club orchestra, will furnish the music for dancing, and other entertainment features have been arranged for the evening. I Davenport Rotary I Club Is Now Rotary I Club Of Davenport Should you have occasion to address a communication to the Ro-t trians here, address to the Rotary club of Davenport, not the Davenport Rotary club.

The former name has become official for the Davenport civic club, following the filing of an amendment to the articles of Incorporation by Lane Waterman, attorneys, in the office of "the Scott county recorder. The purpose of the change Is the modernizing of the name, it was explained, in keeping with the International regulations. Other changes In the articles deal with election of officers. MUSICALE AT ART GALLERY ATTRACTS CROWDN SUNDAY A large crowd of concert-goers, 200 in number, filled the auditorium of the Davenport Municipal Art Gallery Sunday afternoon for the third of a series of programs In musical appreciation. Compositions of Grieg and Mac-Dowell comprised the program on which Ruth Benkert Wunschel, Edith Shorey DuVon, Helen dan Graham, A.

Cyril Graham, and Wilbur Timmerman were the contributing artists. Following the musicale, many viewed the current Rockefeller Center arts exhibition, which added to the Interest of the program. Kon-residents were in attendance from Iowa City, and other surrounding towns. FRITZI RITZ The SATURDAY'S ANSWtR 1 poison provinces ot sand plate State 1 a 5 4 -7 15 IS 34 36 38 Ml Mb r7 50 HERE SON -TAKE THESE HERE -TAKE MY CARD NAMES OUST SAID- AND TELL FLOWERS FLOWERS TO A1ISS RITZ'S DRESSING ROOM SIVE HER. THESE THE SAME ONE WHO 37 -IQ MS M9 51 SHE'LL KrJOW WHO SENT THEY'RE FROM OTHERS if I -c fo fir vL a 5 bM si I IS I Iw A AH.

'2. oQ 1934 by Irn.ted 1111 feature Ice. n2 VttlH a'ur Bynmr.lf. Inc. f.

I III i.

Quad-City Times from Davenport, Iowa (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.