Why is sarcasm the lowest form of wit? (2024)

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Why is sarcasm the lowest form of wit?

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit since its aim is to belittle or hurt someone, and to laugh at their expense; we associate the word "cutting" with it. On the other hand, true wit associates with the word "levity", and boosts everyone's spirits, being aimed at an action, a happening or an attitude.
Mary Purnell, Revesby

Because intellectuals said so, and when were they ever wrong?
Norm Neill, Leichhardt

It's not. Perhaps you are as deliberately confused as the great Frank Muir on an old BBC episode of My Word, who wound up a typically long-winded anecdote with the phrase "the bun is the lowest form of wheat". Geddit?
John Amy, Blakehurst

I tend to think that wit is the highest form of sarcasm.
Daniel Pericart, Cooranbong


Sarcasm has never been and cannot be a form of wit. Punning is the lowest form of wit and always will be.
John Currie, St. Ives

Sarcasm is said to be a low form of humour as its intent is generally to get laughs at someone else's expense. The pointed humour may not be funny to the victim but its funny to those who understand the barb as it feeds their intellectual egos. This is because sarcasm is a form of humour that is known to require the highest functions of our brains. Areas of the brain that decipher sarcasm and irony also process language, recognise emotions and help understand social cues. Sarcasm is related to our ability to understand other people's mental state so it's not just a linguistic form, it's also related to social cognition.
David Buley, Seaforth

Because it is only marginally better than being witless.
Vikram Karekatte, North Sydney

Because it is the form commonly employed by politicians.
Hugo Stiegl, Dora Creek

Sarcasm is scornful, contemptuous and taunting, hence it is rightfully the lowest form of wit.
Premila Singh, Strathfield

You'd have to be a bloody genius to know that!
Linda Forbes, Collaroy Plateau

Because it requires very little brain power to be sarcastic? puns or other 'true' jokes for example, actually need some sort of a sense of humour, intelligence and/or wit.
Karina L., Kingsgrove

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit only to those who have never mastered the art, and those who always fall victim to it.
Adam Pemberton, Sylvania

If you have to ask,you wouldn't understand!
Karlheinz Kunkel, Oatley

The lowest form of wit is reputedly the pun - or as some wag said, "The bun is the lowest form of wheat".
Gary Whale, Yamba

Sarcasm is generally negative, and tends to hurt, which places it on the lowest rung of the humour ladder. For example, "He thinks he's a wit, but he's only half right."
Sandy Parkinson, Hilton WA

Recent research at the University of Haifa claims that sarcasm is a complex high order skill needing an ability to understand other peoples state of mind and emotions. Its low because it targets chiefly the sensitive, inarticulate, unsophisticated and powerless.
Paul Roberts, Lake Cathie

Great question! I've wondered the same myself, because you need to be bordering on genius to be able to apply it in just about any given situation.
Luke O'Dwyer, Banksia

"Why is sarcasm the lowest form of wit?" Like you'd get anything more sophistricated...
Madeline Palmer, Kualal Lumpur

Because it is only marginally better than being witless.
Vikram Karekatte, North Sydney

Why is a broad, expansive mind called "catholic"?

According to the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles "catholic" means general or universal. It came, via the French "catholique", from a Greek word composed of two parts - the first part meaning "in general" and the second "whole".
Brad Elliott, North Rocks

According to the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles the word catholic means general or universal. It came to English from the French catholique which in term came from a similar greek word composed of two parts. The first part stands for "in general" and the second part stands for "whole" which has led to its present meaning and usage.
Brad Elliott, North Rocks

Catholic = universal (see dictionary). Used in a religious sense, members of the Anglican church state their beliefs in the Creed and pray for the "One Holy, Catholic Church"; we often use the word loosely when we refer to Catholics (versus Protestants), when we mean Roman Catholics.It is a very useful word in secular connotations as well.
Mary Purnell Revesby

Because catholic means universal, broad and expansive!
Peter Dresser, Coonamble

The word "catholic" has a noble and secular ancestry dating back to the Greeks. In Homer we find "holos" meaning "whole, entire, complete". Aristotle uses the term "cath-holon" to refer to a general or universal truth. The word 'catholicus' was taken over by Latin Christian writers in the 2nd century to mean 'universal'. When in the 4th century the Roman Empire split into Latin speaking West and Greek speaking East, the Latin Church promoted itself as "Catholic" (ie universal) and the Greek Church as "Orthodox" (ie "right thinking"). Use of the word "catholic" with lower case inital letter preserves its original (pre-Christian) meaning.
Humphrey Charles, Bronte

The word "catholic" comes from the Greek "katholikos" meaning universal. So a catholic mind is all-embracing, one of varied interests and ideas.
Anna Smith, Runcorn, Qld

Catholic, the actual word, is unrelated to religion. It means (from dictionary.com): Of broad or liberal scope; comprehensive. Another meaning is Including or concerning all humankind; universal. This second meaning is the one from which Roman Catholic is derived, which I guess is the church for all humankind. Most people shorten Roman Catholic to simply Catholic. This also explains why the Anglican Church's creed states that we are "part of one Holy Catholic Church" (the exact wording escapes me through years of non-attendance!). I remember we discussed that at Bible Study one night, as we were confused as to why Anglicans (of which I am one) would declare that I am part of the Catholic Church when Anglicans and Catholics had been fighting for centuries and were in fact separate Churches. It was pointed out to me the true meaning of Catholic, and its separation from the Roman Catholic Church which has the Pope as its figurehead.
Peter Hatley, Glendenning

Why are tennis players "seeded" rather than "ceded"? Surely the order of importance is a matter of succession, derived from the word "cede"?

Tennis players are seeded so that the top players do not meet each other in the early rounds, but rather meet in the finals. This is analogous to a farmer planting evenly spaced seeds. To continue the analogy, the seeds will grow and flourish in the finals.
Joseph Lee, Belfield

It derives from the verbal sense of scattering seed, as with cloud-seeding. The top players are spread apart so that they can out-perform the weeds before competing with each other.
Paul Roberts, Lake Cathie

If re-entry to the Earth's atmosphere is so dangerous, why doesn't the space shuttle go slower?

Leaving aside the considerable control problems of slowly "flying" an unpowered aircraft with relatively insignificant wing area for its weight, to go from orbital velocity and altitude to being stationary at ground level you need to convert the orbital motion (kinetic) and altitude (potential) energy into heat. This can be done by atmospheric braking or by firing retro rockets. The latter method is now used to slightly brake the shuttle out of orbit. Atmospheric drag/heating does the rest. To slow the shuttle down with rocket power would require about the same additional fuel as is required to put it into orbit, plus further fuel to put this additional fuel into orbit with the shuttle, which is not practical.
Chris de Zylva, St Ives

Orbital speed and gravity are sucking it towards the earth at 8k per second, a pace requiring far too much fuel and power to resist with puny rocketry. The atmosphere works as the only brake. Freewheeling downhill with the brakes on creates all that friction and heat and the need for a foolproof heat shield.
Paul Roberts, Lake Cathie

In 1687, Sir Issac Newton published in his "Principia" the result of an idea that had been germinating in his mind since 1666. This was the first recognition of the importance of the gravitational forces, and their effect in regions far beyond the immediate vicinity of the earth's surface. He also calculated, the minimal velocity required to overcome this forces of attraction, and got a value of 7 miles/sec or 11.2 Km/sec. So when the space shuttle returns to earth, it'll required to apply the "brakes" or retro-rockets. This action will obviously produce heat, vibration, noise, gases, fire, light, etc and makes this maneuver very delicate and dangerous, as probably Dr Andy Thomas could explain in more detail.
Fausto Mino, Schofields

The shuttle operates at an orbital altitude of 250-350 nautical miles. A circular orbit on that ceiling implies orbital speed of around 29,000 Km/h. During de-orbit, the shuttle has to change from flying like a spacecraft into flying like a missile, and then finally into flying like a glider. Key point is that all of this must be accomplished without exceeding the thermal or structural limits of the spacecraft. Going slower at re-entry may require a lot of extra fuel and may increase the vertical velocity component for the rest of the descent, so re-entry temperatures would be higher. It is the ultimate balance of compromises, but the amount of fuel needed to descend into the atmosphere with speed reduction at critical altitudes and air densities along with the associated equipment would be too expensive and probably as hazardous if not more so than the current re-entry profile.
Francisco Mota, Thornleigh

The Shuttle has to travel at a sufficiently high speed so that the centripetal acceleration required by it motion in its (nearly) circular path matches the acceleration due to gravity at that altitude. The same is true for any other satellite travelling in an orbit about the Earth.This speed is roughly 29,000 km/h. Hence, the engineers have to design a heavy-duty heat shield for space vehicles requiring re-entry to the Earth's atmosphere.
Lawrence J. Doctors, Kensington

It takes enormous energy to get the space shuttle up to a speed of around 16,000 mph to stay in Earth orbit. Firing a retro rocket, removes enough of that energy for the shuttle to slow and approach the atmosphere at a gradual angle. The bulk of the atmosphere is about 20 miles thick and travelling at such great speeds, it's still a very sudden entry. Nearly all of the remaining energy turns into heat due to air friction, so the more gradual the approach the safer.If the retro rocket fired for a longer time, this would certainly slow it down a little more, but unfortunately the shuttle would begin to drop into the atmosphere at an even steeper angle. The shuttle would heat up at a much faster rate, adding greatly to the danger.
Grahame Wilson, Lane Cove.

The only thing thing that keeps satellites in orbit is the high orbital speed which counters the pull of earth's gravity. In the shuttle example, the orbit speed is around 30,000 kmh. If it travelled slower, it would inexorably spiral back to earth and burn up in the upper atmosphere. Any faster and it might achieve escape velocity and soar off into outer space. In the shuttle case, the re-entry is planned around a critical re-entry angle. The reason why re-entry occurs at such high re-entry speed, around 22,000 kmh, is that to slow the shuttle down any further would require a lengthy rocket burn to shed speed. During the launch, the main thrust comes from the Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs), in combination with the shuttle's liquid rocket engines which are primarily fuelled by that massive rust-colored external fuel tank. Both the SRBs and the external fuel tank are depleted and jettisoned before the shuttle reaches orbit. Using either to slow the shuttle down further is simply not an option. Instead of burning scarce fuel, the shuttle sheds speed by utilizing the friction of the upper atmosphere to create drag. This method requires only enough fuel to slow the craft down from 30,000 kmh to 22,000 kmh but it does generate the extraordinary skin temperatures experienced by the thermal protective tiles. In theory, the system works extremely well and heat shields, of various types, have been the basis of all US spacecraft re-entries over four decades. Like most technologies, it is not perfect however. The principle of using protective tiles dates back centuries to an era where we lined smelting furnaces with refractory bricks to stop the escape of temperatures likewise around 1500 celsius.
Allan MacGregor, Lilyfield

It is necessary to slow the space shuttle from its orbital velocity of, typically, 28,000 kmh to speeds (say from 1000 kmh down to 200 kmh) where ordinary aircraft control surfaces may be employed to position (and control) the shuttle in a safe landing on the Earth. The only practical way of doing this is to use the friction of the Earth's atmosphere to slow down the shuttle. This generates an enormous amount of heat, and the difficult problem of protecting the crew, and shuttle, from incineration.
Frank Jackson, Watsons Bay

What is the origin of the military salute and why is the navy one different to the air force one?

The naval salute started in the mid-1800s as a replacement for officers doffing their caps (and other ranks tugging their forelocks) upon meeting a superior. The navy salute is less florid than the Army and RAAF salute due to the presence of rigging aboard ships and the lack of open space. We were always taught that the right arm was taken straight up, the hand placed at a 90-degree angle above the brow and held for three seconds then snapped down smartly.
Wayne Steel, Quakers Hill

The Air Force salute is made by holding the right hand up to the forehead with the palm of the hand pointing down. The Navy salute is made by holding the right hand up to the forehead with all four fingers touching the forehead. This was created to show the Superior officer that the Navy official who was saluting did not have a weapon in his hand. Most Navy officers aren't required to carry a weapon and that is why this salute is different for Navy officials.
Fabian Vassallo, Rhodes

There are two theories; one says it was a method of showing that the hand did not contain a weapon when two people met, the hand was raised up to be clearly viewed. The second theory says that when winning athletes or war heroes were presented to the reigning queen many years ago, they raised their hand towards their eyes to indicate they were shielding themselves from the brightness of her beauty. Because ships and submarines frequently have low ceilings with pipes etc attached to them, it is not appropriate to salute with a circular sweeping gesture because of the lack of height. The most practical naval salute is to place ones hand near ones navel.
Michael Sobb, Rydalmere

The military salute has its origins in the raising of the visor on the helmet of a knight's armour to indicate that there is no threat. It has been suggested that its origins go back even further to a simple open hand gesture to show that there is no weapon.The naval salute with the palm inwards traces back to the use of tar on Royal Navy ships. The palms of ordinary seamans' hands would be forever dirty so it was seen as good manners to hide this from superiors.
Colin Beszant, Moss Vale

Back in the medieval era, knights and soldiers wore rather clunky armor, which included a full helmet and face-plate. When the king would ride by, you would raise your face-plate so your king could see your face for purposes of recognition/identification. That action of your hand moving towards your brow replicates the hundreds-of-years-old gesture today when approached by a superior officer (notice it is always a lower rank saluting first, unless at the end of an address).
Kevin Lew, San Rafael, California, USA

Either to show one is unarmed or raising a helmets visor to identify oneself. This evolved into the doffing of hats in the British army. To avoid costly wear and tear, the military changed the custom to an open handed gesture. The naval salute, adopted by all US forces, developed because British tars had dirty hands from sealing ship timbers. They angled them to avoid offence.
Paul Roberts, Lake Cathie

Knights in armour raised their visors to reveal their faces upon meeting other knights.Also the raised hand showed that they held no weapon. Hence the hand raised in the region of the face to show friendship and respect. When generals are not fighting wars they have to be kept busy with important activities like designing salutes. Lots of military brass means lots of different types of salutes.
Richard Keyes, Enfield

All military salutes,i.e,army and navy were identical, that is the palm of the hand open and facing out until, Queen Victoria, objected to having to see the, ugly, tarred hands of sailors, known in their days as "jack tars" because of all the tar used on sailing ships. Thus the navy altered its salute by rotating the hand to a horizontal position,such that the "unclean" hand coould not be seen.

David Yule, Sans Souci

In days of olde, just before a payre of bolde knights set about thyneselves at the local tourney and jouste, they would face each other and rayse their visors with the right hand, thus confirming that the person within the armour, was indeed who he said he was and not some swarthy knave imposter with exceptional skyll in aiming a lance and wielding a broadsword. The navy salute is different for two reasons: sailors dont ride horses and swimming is much more difficult if youre wearing half a ton of armour.

Ken Kay, Dural

As Senator McGauran has demonstrated in Parliament, even the humble one-fingered salute is open to amendment.
David Cameron, Bathurst

There are a couple of theories: one is that it comes from the custom of lifting the visor of the helmet (in days of armoured combat) to acknowledge friendly intent; another is that the hand is raised to the forehead so that you won't be blinded by the magnificence of the person you're saluting. And that doesn't take into account the derivations on the Roman military salute! As to differences in service practices since when have any of the military branches ever agreed on anything?
Alan Moyse, Canberra


In last week's column, an answer submitted by John Frith ("Soap works with a chemical and physical action ...") was incorrectly attributed to Laura Perusco.


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*Big Questions is edited by Julie Lewis.



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Why is sarcasm the lowest form of wit? (2024)


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