How to Say "You're welcome in Spanish" — 14 Best Ways (2024)

Thanking someone when they do something for you is a grand gesture. In Latin America, there is an expectation of politeness.

So if you want to learn how to express your gratitude in Spanish without repeating the same sentence, keep reading because today you’re learning how to say “you’re welcome in 14 ways.”

14 Best Ways to Say “You are welcome” in Spanish

  1. De nada
  2. No es nada
  3. Está bien
  4. No hay problema
  5. No te preocupes
  6. No hay de que preocuparse
  7. No tienes nada que agradecer
  8. Gracias a ti
  9. Con gusto
  10. Para eso estamos
  11. A la orden
  12. Es un placer
  13. Estamos para servirte
  14. No hay lío

1. De nada

The most common Spanish “you’re welcome” is ‘de nada.’ You can use this in any setting and when any action is worthy of a “you’re welcome” in English.

You can use the expression in formal and informal settings.

You do not need to worry about using formal or informal language as the saying does not require a subject.

The translation is “thank you,” but the saying means “it’s nothing” or “no problem.”


Juan: Gracias por venir.

Thanks for coming.

Mia: De nada

You’re welcome.

2. No es nada

Here is another way to say “you’re welcome” in Spanish. This statement is simply a variant of ‘de nada.’

You can use this when someone tells you gracias. However, please note that the saying means “it’s nothing” which is usually reserved for someone saying “thank you” for an action you completed.

Likewise in Spanish people will say ‘gracias’ which means “thank you” for an action you’ve done for them.

It can show the person that the action you completed was not a big deal.

You would say this when you enjoyed doing something for the person.

Here is some context for the following example. A friend has just given you some blue flowers because your grandmother is in the hospital.


You: Gracias por las flores.

Thank you for the flowers.

Friend: No es nada.

You’re welcome.

In this example, you need to use the verb ‘ser’ because you say that the action you took “is’ not a big deal. You use ‘ser’ because it is an action you completed and not a condition that changes.

In English, we use double negatives (no and no) to mean “yes.” In Spanish, you must use a double negative with this saying or it is wrong.

‘No’ is negative in both English and Spanish. ‘Nada’ means “nothing” but in Spanish double negatives are common.

So when you are saying “you’re welcome” in this manner, always be sure to include ‘no’ and ‘nada.’

3. Está bien

If you have done something nice for someone you don’t always have to use a direct translation of “you’re welcome.” Sometimes it is fine to say “it’s okay.

When you reply with ‘está bien’ it means “it’s okay.” You must use the Spanish accent on the a.

You can use this when you complete an action for someone who is grateful but the action is very simple and easily completed.

The context for the example is that you are giving a friend a ride home because it’s on the way to the store.

You are going to the store anyway so helping them does not cause you inconvenience.


Your Friend: Gracias por llevarme a casa.

Thank you for taking me home.

You: Está bien.

You’re welcome.

When you use this form of “you’re welcome” you imply that there is no problem because completing the action was very simple.

4. No hay problema

A great example of how Spanish does not translate directly into English is by saying ‘no hay problema’ for “you’re welcome.”

The expression is very similar to “no reason to thank me” in Spanish. The direct translation is “there’s no problem.”

To understand how the expression is used in the following example we need context. A waiter has just brought you a glass of water at a restaurant.


You: Gracias por el agua.

Thank you for the water.

Waiter: No hay problema.

You’re welcome.

5. No te preocupes

If you want to reassure someone that the action you completed for them was not a big deal you could say ‘no te preocupes.’

The phrase is used informally so it should only be used when you talk to someone you know well.

You know this is informal because ‘te’ is the pronoun for ‘tu’ and is the informal you.

You can also see the verb has an /s/ at the end and is the subjunctive form.

Subjunctives in Spanish indicate that something cannot be confirmed or is already known information.

The subjunctive is difficult for native English speakers because we do not use subjunctive forms in English often.

An example of a subjunctive form in English is “If I were a boy” where “were’ tells you that the situation is not real.

In English, we only use the subjunctive to express situations that could not be real.

When you are using the subjunctive form in Spanish the ending of the verb changes. If a verb ends in ‘ar’ like caminar “to walk,” the ending becomes an e.

If a verb ends with ‘er’ or ‘ir’ you must replace the ending with an /a/ in the subjunctive form. You only use the subjunctive when you cannot confirm something or already know the information.

In the following example, you can see why you must use the subjunctive. We cannot guarantee that the person will not worry about something, even though we are saying “do not worry” in English.


Juan: Gracias por la comida.

Juan: Thanks for the food.

Juana: No te preocupes.

Juana: You’re welcome.

The verb ‘preocupar’ ends with ‘ar’ and means “to worry.” You cannot confirm the person will not worry, so you must use the subjunctive.

You know it’s subjunctive because the ‘ar’ at the end of the word has become an ‘e’, and you added ‘s’ because it’s the informal you ‘to’ in Spanish.

6. No hay de que preocuparse

Here is a formal way of saying ‘you’re welcome’ in Spanish, but the sentiment here is that the person should not worry. The statement literally translates to “there’s no need to worry about it.”

Here we are not using the subjunctive because the verb ‘preocuparse’ is reflexive and in the base form ending in ‘ar.’

Usually when you are using ‘que’ in a sentence you must use the subjunctive but when using this phrase you are asserting that there’s nothing to worry about.

Since you assert there is not a problem you remove uncertainty which is characterized by the subjunctive mood.

When using a reflexive verb in the third person ‘usted’ you must not change the verbs ending.

Instead, you add ‘se’ after the ‘ar,’ ‘er,’ or ‘ir’ verb ending. Reflexives are used when a person performs an action to or for him or herself.

In this example, the speaker is telling the person “not to worry themselves.” In the following example, the context is a teacher printing worksheets for a student’s parents.


Parent: Gracias por imprimir las hojas de trabajo.

Thank you for printing the worksheets.

Teacher: No hay de que preocuparse.

You’re welcome.

7. No tienes nada que agradecer

In English, we do not have something similar to this manner of saying, “you’re welcome.” The closest would be something like “no need to thank me.”

In Spanish, you say this when someone expresses appreciation for an action you have completed.

Usually, someone will first say ‘lo agradezco’ which means “I appreciate it” or “thank you.”

Usually, this statement is reserved for actions that have immensely helped you out or will save you a lot of time. People will also add this after saying ‘gracias’ or “thank you.”

However, some people will use this as a standalone “thank you.”

In the following example, the context is a woman who has gone to the bank to make a deposit.

The bank teller engages in conversation with her and finds that she will later make an electric payment.

The man informs her that she can make the payment now as the electricity provider now accepts direct payments from the bank. She only needs to supply the man with her account number, and he can process the payment for her and print a receipt.


Man: Puedes pagar tu factura de la luz conmigo ahora si quieres.

You can pay your light bill with me right now if you’d like.

Woman: Gracias, lo agradezco.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

Man: Es un placer, no tienes nada que agradecer.

It’s a pleasure, you’re welcome.

As you can see, the man also implies that it is his job and doesn’t inconvenience him too much.

8. Gracias a ti

It is not uncommon to reply to a “thank you” by also saying “thank you” in Spanish. When you reply with ‘gracias a ti’ you are saying “thank you too” and it is very polite.

When a situation is mutually beneficial people will often say this. We do it in English too. Notice that here we say ‘ti’ instead of ‘tu.’

‘Ti’ always comes after a preposition, and here the preposition is the personal ‘a.’

The personal ‘a’ is a special type of preposition that only works with people.

The personal ‘a’ also works differently from the English preposition ‘to’ because in English it indicates movement. In Spanish, it means to or for someone.

In Spanish ‘ti’ is always the object of a verb. You can think of the object of the verb as a beneficiary because they receive something as a result of the action.

In this way of saying “you’re welcome” the person you are saying ‘gracias a ti’ yo receives your thanks.

For context in the following example, a woman has just bought a new computer and the company she bought it from will also come to her house and connect it.

She bought the connection service for an additional charge.

The woman is happy to make the purchase because she does not know anything about setting up a computer.

The company is happy to offer and provide the service to help the customer and they make a profit from the services.


Woman: Gracias por venir a conectar mi ordenador.

Thank you for coming to set up my computer.

Man: Gracias a ti.

You’re welcome.

It is implied that the man is saying thank you for purchasing the services, but it also means “you’re welcome.”

9. Con gusto

In English you can reply to someone’s “thank you” by saying “it’s a pleasure. You can do the same thing in Spanish and the sentiment is unchanged.

When someone says thank you for a service you have provided or if you didn’t mind completing a task you could say ‘con gusto.’

When you say this it indicates that you enjoyed completing the task for that person.

You can use this in any situation and with anyone. It is a nice way to tell someone you care about them or love your job.


Maria: Gracias por tu ayuda.

Thanks for your help.

Jose: Con gusto.

You’re welcome.

10. Para eso estamos

When you work with someone to purchase a product or service you may find it more comforting to say ‘para eso estamos.’ When you say this you are saying you’re welcome, but in a more servicial manner.

The direct translation of this “you’re welcome” is “that’s why we’re here.” It is often used together with ‘no te preocupes’ to say “don’t worry, it’s our job.”

Although in English the saying can seem rude, in Spanish it is completely acceptable and often translated as you’re welcome.

Here you must say ‘para’ not ‘por’ because it expresses that you have done something for someone. If you use ‘por it would indicate a reason something was done.

In the following example the context is that Jose is in a store buying a computer. The assistant has walked him through the entire process from buying the computer to the software he needs,


Jose: Gracias por tu ayuda.

Thank you for helping me.

Assistant: Para eso estamos.

You’re welcome.

11. A la orden

Here is a very colloquial form of saying “thank you.” It is mainly used in Latin America when you are at a store making a purchase.

‘A la orden’ literally translates to “at your service” but you would not usually say this in English. Instead, you would say “you;re welcome.”

People will use this when you walk into a store to let you know you can ask them for help. It is also used after they complete a task for you.

For context in the following example, you have just made a purchase at your favorite store and thanked the worker.


You: Gracias!

Thank you!

Worker: A la orden.

You’re welcome.

12. Es un placer

Here is another variant of ‘un gusto.’ The sentiment is the same in that it means ‘it’s a pleasure.”

You can use this in any setting when you want to assure someone that you enjoyed helping them. In English it can be translated as “it’s a pleasure” or “you’re welcome.”

Most commonly in English you would say “you’re welcome” and reserve “it’s a pleasure” for someone you are serving. In Spanish you can say this in any situation that could require either response.

The context for the following example is that you asked someone where something is in the grocery store. They have taken you to the aisle and you thanked them.


You: ¿Puedes decirme dónde están las judías verdes?Can you please tell me where the green beans are?

Worker: Están en el pasillo 5, te llevaré.

They are on aisle 5, I will take you.

You: Gracias!

Thank you!

Worker: Es un placer.

You’re welcome.

13. Estamos para servirte

This is a variant of saying ‘para eso estamos.’ The difference here is that the person saying “you’re welcome” is specifying that they are providing you a service and it’s not a problem for them.

It can also indicate “very welcome” because of the focus on saying “it’s a pleasure to serve you.”

If you want to use this in Spanish make sure you are providing a service to someone. If you are not then it is inappropriate to say this the setting.

For context, you would not use this if you gave someone a gift. Instead you would use this if you are helping someone taste wines and choose the best one.

You can say this after they thank you for your recommendation and make a purchase.


Juan: Gracias por la recomendación del vino. Tu servicio es increíble.

Thanks for the wine recommendation. Your service is amazing.

Worker: No es un problema. Estamos aquí para servirte.

Not a problem. You’re very welcome.

14. Te lo mereces

Although this does not exactly translate to “you’re welcome” in Mexico this is a colloquial way of expressing your gratitude to someone.

You can say this after someone thanks you when you feel they earned the action you completed. It is not something you should say to someone you do not know.

Make sure when using this form of “you’re welcome” that you are someone you know well because the direct translation is “you deserve it.”


Juan: Gracias por el ipad.

Thank you for the ipad.

Worker: Te lo mereces.

You deserve it.

How to Say “You’re welcome” in Spanish to a Woman

When addressing a woman in Spanish, it’s essential to use the appropriate language and expressions to ensure politeness and respect.

When saying “you’re welcome,” several phrases can be used without gender-specific modification.

However, if you’d like to make your response more personalized or considerate, you can use a phrase that directly addresses a woman.

One way to say “you’re welcome” to a woman in Spanish is by using the phrase “No hay de qué, señora” or “No hay de qué, señorita.”

The term “señora” is used for married or older women, while “señorita” is appropriate for younger or unmarried women.

This response adds a touch of formality and respect, making the recipient feel acknowledged and valued.


Ariela: Gracias por ayudarme con mi equipaje.

Thank you for helping me with my luggage.

Bolo: No hay de qué, señora. Siempre estoy dispuesto a echar una mano.

You’re welcome, ma’am.” I’m always happy to lend a hand.

How to Say “You’re welcome” in Spanish to a Man

Engaging in conversation with a man in Spanish requires using suitable language and expressions that convey respect and courtesy.

Tailoring your speech to address a man directly can make the interaction more considerate and personal.

You can say “you’re welcome” to a man in Spanish is by using the phrase “De nada, caballero.”

The term “caballero” is a courteous and respectful way to address a man, conveying a sense of chivalry and appreciation.

This response provides an element of formality and respect, making the recipient feel recognized and esteemed.


Armando: Gracias por guiarme en la dirección correcta.

Thank you for guiding me in the right direction.

Alejo: De nada, caballero. Siempre es un placer ayudar.

“You’re welcome, sir.” It’s always a pleasure to help.

If you would like to study some more basic Spanish vocabulary, here are some other interesting articles for you:

  • How to Say “Excuse Me” in Spanish
  • How to Say “How was your day” in Spanish?
  • How to Reply to “Mucho Gusto”
  • 9 Ways to Ask “How are you doing” in Spanish

Frequently asked question on how to say “You’re welcome in Spanish”

How to spell “You are welcome” in Spanish?

“You’re welcome” is spelled “de nada” in Spanish. There are alternatives like “no hay de qué,” “con gusto,” and “no es nada.” The phrase you choose depends on formality and the relationship between speakers.

How to say “You’re welcome, my friend” in Spanish?

To say “You’re welcome, my friend” in Spanish, use “De nada, amigo” for a male friend. If your friend is a girl, say, “De nada, amiga.” The phrase is friendly and informal, suitable for close relationships.

What are some formal ways to say “You are welcome” in Spanish?

Formal ways to say “you’re welcome” in Spanish include “No hay de qué” and “Con gusto.”

How to Say "You're welcome in Spanish" — 14 Best Ways (1)

Marcel Iseli

Hey fellow Linguaholics! It’s me, Marcel. I am the proud owner of Languages have always been my passion and I have studied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Sinology at the University of Zurich. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general.

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How to Say "You're welcome in Spanish" — 14 Best Ways (2024)


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