Hell is Other People - thisoursecret (2024)

Eddie blinked in repetition, trying to adjust his vision when he opened the front door of his trailer. As if with the blink of an eye, Will’s tiny stature would disappear, but every time he would re open his eyes, he was still there. Standing, small, behind the door and alone in the trailer park.

“Hey?” He said with a small hesitation, eyeing the shy boy who seemed embarrassed and confused.

“H-hi” he answered, himself looking unsure about what he was doing here in the first place. Eddie scanned him, not meeting his eyes since Will was making a purposeful effort to keep his head down.

“Can I do anything for you?” Eddie had a little idea in mind about why Will was there, in front of his door tonight. He knew the kid was dating Billy Hargrove of all people, and Billy talked about him plenty of times.

One time, as Billy was high and talking about how sex with Will was “wonderful” and “so good”, Eddie joked that he should try him out one day.

What he hadn’t expected was Billy telling him they could trade. Eddie had weed and special K to propose, Billy had Will to offer. He didn’t actually think he was being serious about this -maybe it was because they were both high while they talked about it- but now, with Will standing in front of him for no reason and no Billy in sight, he couldn’t help but think it was for this reason. And his little theory quickly got confirmed when Will said“I.. I come to collect something, for Billy” his nervousness so thick Eddie could almost taste it. He wondered how he would try him out— his mouth? His ass? He could try both, Billy didn’t specify any rules. He didn’t know what was the equivalent of half an ounce, only just a blowj*b? If Billy wanted ketamine or E he would have to at least f*ck him—

“Oh, yeah sure. The something being weed I assume?” He said, trying to be as friendly as possible and Will nodded instead of answering with his voice.

“Are you the payment?” He asked him afterwards. If Billy sent him here, he must’ve warned him about the condition. So he thought asking couldn’t hurt.

“Uh.. Billy didn’t give me any money” he said innocently and for the first time he dared look up, meeting Eddie’s eyes for a split second before looking back down immediately.

“Yeah, he told me he was kind of short. So we made an agreement” he explained matter-of-factly. Billy hadn’t warned the kid first? “He said he could pay in other ways. So, I take it you’re the payment” he said again while his eyes scanned Will from head to toe like he was about to devour him. He looked about two feet tall, it was actually ridiculous. He could feel his own dick growing with envy at the thought of getting the kid inside and using him. If he was as good as Billy said, he would have a hell of a good time. At the same time it was almost impossible for him not to be good. He was small, a kid, and anal sex was always the best. What was there not to like? Billy sold thousands of merits and he just wanted to try out for himself. He thanked himself for getting into drug selling, because now he had occasions like these. A simple little exchange, just a ziploc of weed for Will Byers. He smiled to himself, his eyes sticking to Will’s small body. Just as innocently as before, without an ounce of realization coming to his mind he simply repeated again“Well I don’t have money so…” he probably thought he would have to walk away without anything to give to his boyfriend. Eddie would make sure this wouldn’t happen. Billy would get all the weed he needed for as long as he was willing to share.

“So you’re gonna have to pay with something else. Come in” he invited kindly, stepping aside so Will could enter.

“I.. really don’t have much” he said, and Eddie knew that. The Byers weren’t poor enough to live in the trailer park, but it was well known they weren’t rich. The kid always wore his older brother’s hand-me-down too big for him as clothes. If only he knew the amount of money people would be willing to pay to get a taste of him, he would become richer much, much quicker. The boy joined him inside, and Eddie closed the door behind. It was a good thing uncle Wayne was out working for the evening “I don’t know what I could offer you” he completed. He seemed uneasy, standing like a metal bar in the middle of the trailer, not knowing what to do, where to look at.

“Oh, Byers. Don’t underestimate yourself like that. You got a cute body” he said nicely, careful not to be too abrupt in his approach, taking light steps towards the kid. “You ever heard the term ‘paying in nature’, Will?” He asked gently.


“Go on, undress don’t be so shy”

Will’s head snapped towards Eddie to look at him in the face, not sure if it was a bad joke or not. But when he noticed Eddie’s burning eyes filled with lust, he understood this wasn’t a joke. Billy had the same expression on his face before he—

“I- I’m not sure..”

“I’ll take care of you okay? Don’t worry, I’ll be good” he used his nice voice, low, letting a sort of unpronounced threat hanging behind. He wasn’t leaving him the choice, he wanted Will to understand that. But he also didn’t want him to be completely scared.

“I think I’ll just go” Will said. But instead of moving he stayed there. Frozen in place, not able to move his legs and walk away.

“Will, c’mon now. Billy sent you here, told me I could use you any way I wanted as payment. Just undress now, okay?” He thought maybe using Billy’s name would ease the kid into it. His boyfriend had a strong influence on him and he didn’t want to displease him, from what Eddie knew at least. If he said it was an order from him, he wouldn’t disobey. Will wouldn’t disobey older people in general, he felt too intimated by them to talk back. He still wondered shyly if any of it was true.

“He said that?..” his voice was meek, breathy. He was getting tense and the question wasn’t even for Eddie. He wondered to himself, confused about why his boyfriend would ever say something like that without telling him.

“I.. I didn’t agree to that” he looked back at Eddie, trying to be firm in his refusal. Eddie got the message that he wouldn’t just accept so easily. That even bringing up Billy wouldn’t make him accept. He would need a little more convincing.

“Well, there’s many things we don’t agree with. I’m sure you mom doesn’t agree with paying bills and water and anything but she just has to. That’s how it works. Capitalism, supply and demand, barter— all that. You want the weed, I want you” he explained, using his naivety at his advantage. But ultimately it was true. If he couldn’t pay for the weed with money, he would have to offer something else. That was how trading worked, Will had to know that.

“But the weed is for Billy…” Will answered, not understanding why he would have to be the one paying for Billy’s stuff. If Billy didn’t want to pay with his money or his body, and that he was paying with him instead— did that mean he belonged to him? Did that mean he was Billy’s possession? His mind spinned with questionnements, he wondered if that was what having a boyfriend meant. He wondered if Mike or Lucas would use El and Max the same way to get what they wanted. But this felt unfair. He didn’t want to undress for Eddie. He didn’t want to suck his dick for the sake of Billy’s weed. He wanted to help him out and please him, because he was his boyfriend and he loved him. But that way was a little— it made him uncomfortable, to say the least. And yet he still couldn’t move. Always frozen. Why did he always have to freeze.

“You’re here to help him out yeah? You want to serve him well? So just do this” Eddie added, making his voice as nice as possible. Nothing rough in his tone, and nothing brisk in his movement. He put his hands on Will, landing on his shoulders to ground him. He smiled softly, searching for his eyes and with his nicest, most comforting voice “He told me you were a hell of a good toy. Obedient and pliant. So just.. behave here, okay? For Billy?” He tried to make some deal, like a parent would do to their child. Some sort of "if you eat your vegetables you will have a sweet dessert". And somehow, it worked. Because ultimately that was all Will was. A kid. And using a nice voice and a sweet deal was enough.

“Y.. you uh.. you want me to suck you off or?..” he wondered and this only proposition sufficed to make Eddie explode in bliss inside. His co*ck throbbed, now realizing Will was in and technically agreed. He could settle for a blowj*b, he really could. Billy told him multiple times how well he trained him. He did want to f*ck his ass, especially since it had been a really long while since he f*cked a boy and he started to feel the lack. But for poor Will’s sake who barely even knew what was going on, he thought maybe he could take it slow.

“Yeah, a blowj*b will be fine” he smiled again, squeezing lightly Will’s shoulder to indicate him to get down. Under his breath he added “I’ll f*ck that ass another time”.

He doubted Will heard, but his sharp inhalation made him believe for a moment he had caught that. It could’ve just been the stress of getting on his knees, too.

As soon as Will’s knees hit the floor Eddie unbuckled his belt. Will swallowed harshly, taking multiple shuddery breath as tears brimed his eyes. He chased them away quickly, because crying while sucking dick wasn’t sexy, most of the time, it depended of the perspective. Still, he got himself together, trying to convince himself he was doing this for Billy.

Eddie let his large pants slide down to his ankles as Will’s face was right in front of the bulge in his blue boxer. His heart started beating faster, something frantic growing at the pit of his stomach. He felt like he was going to throw up. Something was taking place in his throat, maybe a lump, maybe nausea coming up. He tried to push it down, swallowing nervously. He closed his eyes and inhaled, exhaled, trying to calm himself down. He sucked Billy’s co*ck plenty of times. He was good at that, he knew what to do. And chances were Eddie couldn’t possibly be any bigger than him. He would just get this over with in under three minutes.

Eddie pushed his boxer down and revealed his shiny, six inches co*ck. Which reassured Will a little. It was big, much bigger than average, but he could handle it. He didn’t waste any time, he grabbed the base and darted his tongue out, giving a small, kitten lick on the head. This kind of action would’ve had Billy say he was “greedy” “impatient” “a c*mslu*t” “enthusiastic” or whatever, but he really just wanted to get this over with. Eddie didn’t comment, he simply snickered above him, his hand covered with rings caressing the top of his head. He tasted like Billy, salty precum, he wasn’t sweaty, it really wasn’t that gross. This only fact encouraged Will to give a strong lap, twirling his tongue over the tip and making Eddie release a low moan. In a hurry to finish, he wrapped his lips around the head immediately after. Billy taught him to take his time, that there was no hurry. Play with balls, lick a lot, switch from bobbing his head to deepthroating to swallowing and whatnot. But he didn’t have the patience for that. He paid no attentions to Eddie’s balls and instead pumped on the base with his hand wrapped around him, lips going back and forth his shaft.

“f*ck, wasting no time uh?” Eddie grunted low. “It’s not a competition, let me appreciate the moment—”

Will paid no attention to what he said and kept going. It wasn’t a competition, but it was a chore. And the quicker it would be over, the happier he would be. So he bobbed his head, twisting his face and tongue as he continuously f*cked his face onto Eddie’s dick. He stroked the base quickly, applying just enough pressure for Eddie to moan and for his hips to quiver. His pelvis shook and he started thrusting inside, gripping more tightly at Will’s hair.

“Will- don’t be so greedy—” he strained with a shallow voice. How humiliating it must’ve been to be coming undone so easily after a few seconds. Will was entirely guiding him, taking charge— and it wasn’t supposed to happen like this. Eddie was used to being more dominant, leading the partner and teaching them everything. And there was this kid, eating his co*ck like it was his due. All that reluctance he showed earlier, all that was an act. The pseudo-hesitation and shyness while all he was was an hungry whor* stuffing his mouth with cum. It almost pissed him off. Will had no right to be taking the lead and the decisions. He had no right to make him come so easily. With anyone else it would’ve been exciting and hot to see such enthusiasm but that was Will, a f*cking kid he had to convince to do this, he was supposed to be a little obedient toy letting his body be used, not the one doing everything. He grunted low again, tugging at Will’s hair. “Slow the f*ck down” he ordered, and that son of a bitch didn’t listen. What a stubborn, whorish, little dickhe*d.

With a snap of his pelvis he jammed his co*ck down his throat, and with the grip he had on his hair, he stabilized his head and let him choke there. Will sputtered, struggling to breath through his noise, and he whimpered. Almost pitifully.

“When I say something, you listen” Eddie said and Will didn’t dare move again. “Wouldn’t have taken you for the stubborn type. Or are you just a greedy co*ckslu*t? Is that it?”

Will sobbed around him, throat tightening around the head and sending a shockwave of pleasure through Eddie. “I’m the one that decides now, okay?” Will tried to nod, but his effort were vain. His mouth was stretched and red and he closed his eyes, trying to control the tears. Eddie freed him and allowed him to breathe a little better. He pulled his dick out completely, giving him another chance.

“Now you’re gonna lick, and stroke slowly” he informed him. Will got to work, kitten licking the side of his shaft once again, more delicately this time. His strokes became gradually slower, from the base all the way to the head.

“Put the tip in your mouth, use your tongue. Don’t go any farther until I tell you to”

Will did as asked again, and Eddie finally felt at peace once he regained control. He loved that part much better. Ordering Will around was perfect, and the kid being pliant was even more. He listened to Eddie’s instruction, twirling his tongue over the head and stroking with his fingers. He licked at the slit, somewhat discreet and not slurping loudly. Eddie usually thought it was hot to hear the gagging and choking sound but Will seemed to be doing a conscious effort to avoid them.

“Now slowly take it deeper. Don’t hesitate to swallow” he smirked above, an hand still firm on the brunet’s hair and caressing him. Will sighed, like an annoyed, impertinent little sh*t. He sighed and pushed his face forward, taking half of Eddie at once and swallowing, throat constricting around the sensitive head. With loud slurps he bobbed his head back and forth and again, must’ve been carried away since he started going faster. “I said slowly. Jesus.” He couldn’t deny though, Will sinking his face down on it made his co*ck pulsate. Will pushed past his gag reflex, the corner of his mouth stretching, lips red and raw as he kept going. Right until his nose touched the dark hair. He made his lips glide their way back up, breathing longly through his nose and repeating the motion. Will did everything to keep himself from crying, but this wasn’t an easy task. His lips felt sore, the head prodding at the back of his throat was starting to hurt, he kept himself from sobbing quietly but this entire situation felt wrong. He felt bad, soiled. He just wanted to get Eddie to come, and then leave and bring Billy what he wanted. Wasn’t this technically— this wasn’t prostitution, right? It was just another form of payment. Billy wasn’t using him like that. He did felt dirty and used and bad but he wasn’t working. Maybe it would’ve been better if he had been working, though. If this was just a job. Because now he was only just forced, and this might’ve been worse. Tears pricked his eyes but he kept going. Eddie’s harsh finger tugged at his hair, pulling hard enough to hurt. He felt tired, and he really didn’t care about Eddie’s request and what the oldest wanted. He went quicker, swallowing around him a few times. Eddie’s breath deepened, hitching as he tried to get Will to go slower. He muttered between his teeth “Stop that- f*cking whor*—”. But Will’s rhythm was unstoppable. He coaxed out low grunts out of Eddie and soon, after certainly not enough time to satisfy Eddie, the black haired guy came into his mouth. His co*ck twitched and sputtered deep down his throat without him being ready for it. Will was forced to swallow, but he’d rather do that than let the hot, slimy substance trickle down his chin and dirty his clothes. His throat bobbed up and down as he finished swallowing the load.

Eddie barely had time to get himself together. Slightly high from his org*sm, he grabbed Will’s jaw and forced him up by the hair. Will winced, crying out as his hair were pulled so harshly. He lost balance, struggling to get up on his weakened, numb knees. Eddie’s strong hand didn’t let him go. The other crushed his cheeks. “f*cking slu*t. I told you to listen to me”

“I did what you asked. Now just give me the stuff and I’ll go! I’m not your whor*!” He managed to squeeze past his lips, the newfound boldness making his heart pound in his chest. It wasn’t often he would find his backbone to talk back, but this was enough. He couldn’t let himself be treated that way.

“No, you’re Billy’s whor*, bitch. And Billy lent you to me. Which means you f*cking listen to me. Stubborn little.. prick” his grip softened. “Y’know what, f*ck this. I’m gonna f*ck you to obedience little guy. I’m not done with you”

“Let me go!” He shouted as he squirmed, but trying to move only made Eddie’s grip stronger, the pain in his skull so intense he didn’t dare move again. He felt like he was ripping his hair out.

“No, no I’m gonna f*ck that little ass of yours and see if you act all proud mh? I’m done with this sh*t. C’mere” his left hand grabbed his wrist, the one in his hair left them alone and he pulled him farther. Will was now free to fight back, hitting weakly Eddie’s arm and screaming.

“Let me go! You can’t do that! We had a deal!”

“I’m the one deciding the deal” he said, voice stern, face severe.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be a whole ounce for your ass. You’re not worth more anyway”

“Please Eddie I’m sorry okay!” He should’ve obeyed like he was good at. Billy complimented him on his ability to ‘shut up and take it’. He liked that he was easy to submit. Why the hell did he do this? Why would he take charge with Eddie and disobey him? Of course this wouldn’t end well. What was he thinking? Why was he always putting himself in those situations? Trying to fight back and be brave and making things so much worst. Waiting for a savior to come help. He was weak, pathetic. “Please.. I’ll do it again okay?.. I’ll listen to you just— don’t.. please”

“Oh look at you now. So desperate. Not a proud cheeky slu*t anymore uh?”

He dragged him all the way to his bedroom. Fingers so tight around his wrist it was bound to leave a mark. Will could already see the bracelet of red and blue bruise Eddie would leave on, and if he didn’t free himself now it would be so much worst. He really felt like he was in danger. He obviously couldn’t fight, so flight was the only option left. He tried to squirm away, free his wrist from the rough hold. Eddie only just squeezed harder, Will’s wrist bone aching as the cold metallic rings dug into his skin.

Eddie turned the corner and they landed in his room. It was messy, bunch of clothes on the floor, empty co*ke can laying on the floor. He had a bunch of posters of groups Will knew very well, because they were Billy’s favorite. Before he got to see any more detail about his room, he was shoved on the mattress. The sheets were black and smelled overwhelmingly of smoke. They were already bunched up and messy but as Will’s made a fist of the tissue they became even more wrinkled. He tried reasoning with the man another time, trying to bargain his way out.

“I- I can find money. I’ll pay double. I’ll- I’ll even let you use my mouth again! Please! I’ll be good! I’ll do what you ask me to just don’t-”

“I want this” Eddie said, slapping his ass roughly as a demonstration. “You lost your chance already by being a stubborn little bitch. Now just behave and it’ll go well”

“Y-you said you wouldn’t hurt me please- Eddie not this.. don’t.. don’t do this!” He cried out, begging Eddie to not cross that line. For a moment he thought it worked. A slight, tiny flicker of hope lighting up when he felt no more movement behind him. He felt Eddie’s grip growing lighter, and perhaps he could even move. He tried to sit down, stand up, take a look at Eddie, but as soon as he did a small movement, Eddie came back to force his head down the mattress.

“Don’t move” he said, trying to pull Will’s jeans down.

The kid started crying again, his breathing heavier, tiny squeak in his voice almost making Eddie laugh.

“Y’know, you’re kinda cute when you cry like this” Eddie commented, peeling off Will’s jeans and underwear with it. He only lowered them to his thighs, not feeling the need to undress him entirely. Will shook in fear, feeling the cold air on his ass, now on display. He sealed his lips shut in an attempt to swallow down his sobs, but the restrain only caused more desperate squeals to come out.

Eddie waited for his dick to get hard again by playing with his ass. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen before, but Billy was right. There was something more about Will. The only fact he was a kid, which meant he was small, hairless, contrasting with their own built made his co*ck pulsate. There was also this weird sense of innocence emanating out of him. Eddie knew all about how he had been f*cked before, Billy would brag about it so much. He knew for fact he wasn’t a virgin. But it didn’t matter. He still looked innocent, inexperienced. There was this primal, bestial need to own him and show him everything. To defile innocence was not something he could often do. Not without consequences. But right now Will was at his mercy, and he could do whatever the hell he wanted with him. He feared nothing, he knew nothing would happen. He never had the chance to let out those f*cked up pulsion, but now he could.

He kept his rings on to knead his ass. Not as big and plush as some girl but still round and cute enough. He wasn’t all tight and closed though. His bright pink f*ckhole was stretched well enough. He spread his cheeks with both hands, squeezing hard enough to leave red marks over him, the cold jewelry digging deep into the boy who sobbed all the more. Eddie could hear him faintly repeating “please”, spitting it so fast with so much desperation he couldn’t help but feel a little bad. Just a little though. He still had needs to meet, and he wouldn’t forget so easily how humiliating it was before. A stupid little kid making him come so easily like he was some submissive pariah— he wouldn’t let that slip. He did promise he would be nice, his initial intention was never to scare or hurt him, but his plans changed, really fast.

“Don’t move or I’ll hit you” he warned, semi-meaning it. He wouldn’t actually brutalize him to that point, but a good spanking wouldn’t be bad for the boy.

The warning sufficed to make Will freeze in place, still trembling but not even trying to get away.

Eddie took off his rings. One by one, observing the scared kid beneath not daring to move a muscle. He threw his rings farther away and shoved two fingers inside of his mouth. He had lube, but he didn’t trust Will to behave if he were to get up and go fetch it. Saliva would have to do. He pushed his fingers in the hole and Will gasped, letting out a scream as he tensed on the bed.

“Just relax. You’re used to it” he knew Will was pretending. Billy was screwing him on the daily, it wasn’t two fingers that would be the end of him. He almost rolled his eyes at the overexaggerated reaction of the boy but he instead focused on opening him up. His co*ck was half-hard by now, a personal record. He was horny a lot, most of the time, but having tiny Eddie almost already erected again only minutes after coming was a first. That kid, a damn miracle.

He pumped a few time inside of him, the motion easy, Will’s hole clenching at the foreign intrusion but still getting accustomed to it. Greedy, dirty whor*.
He kept going, curving his fingers inside to feel his walls. It was tight around his fingers but there was space, he could fit in. He tried testing out the kid by brushing over his bundle of nerves. And as expected, his back arched, ass going in his direction.

A-ah wait- stop..” he muttered weakly. And oh my god. Eddie really got it. The addiction. It was right there.

It was about having a vulnerable crying boy in his possession, moaning that way. It was about making a little boytoy react in such adorable, innocent way. It was about deeply wrecking the sheer innocence of a child. It was about hearing this over and over again. Billy sure was a lucky guy to be able to hear those soft little ah practically every day. f*cking Will was about his own pleasure, obviously. But it also was about pounding into his prostate and see a sweet kid falling apart. It was a drug. At the same capacity as weed or ketamine or ecstasy or whatever else. Sex with him was more addictive than heroin. In this moment he didn’t even understand why Billy would want weed when he had him in his possession. But he was grateful as hell, because now he got to profit of it too. And he would enjoy it. He just hoped he wouldn’t feel the lack and need after getting to f*ck him once. That Will Byers kid could cause any men to withdrawal deep down into a new addiction, he was sure of it.

“Byers..” he inadvertently let out in a whisper. “Don’t tell me you’re unaware of the effect you have over people” he groaned out, pumping his fingers in and out quickly, letting the pad of his fingers massage his slu*t spot.

Will didn’t answer, but it was a rhetorical question. He simply moaned again, gripping harshly at the sheets.

“S-stop- Eddie.. please

“Oh sh*t, f*ck. Say my name again”

Poor kid didn’t know his pleas were more exciting than useful. He definitely wouldn’t stop.

“Eddie” he wailed, dragging the vowel, making the oldest wonder if he was listening to his order or if he was just hoping he’d stop. Maybe it was both. What a good obedient boy.

He wrapped a hand over his co*ck, blood flowing so fast down there he felt lightheaded. He retired his fingers, giving Will time to even his breath. The kid panted heavily, sound still muffled in the sheets. Eddie lazily stroked himself, and with his other hand he went to hold Will’s waist. He rucked up his white t-shirt to touch his skin, then slid his hand under. He forced him up, grabbing his waist to elevate him.

“Please don’t-” Will asked again, as if it would change anything by now. As if it wasn’t already too late. Either he was a fool with too much hope, or he just didn’t know what else to do but to object to his imminent violation.

His hips stayed jutted in the air. Eddie kept pumping on his co*ck and adjusted his position, kneeling behind to align himself better. Then finally, he grabbed the base and put the head right in front of his hole.

He started pushing in, giving time for him to adjust to the forceful opening. The entrance stretched around the tip and Will cried harder, sobbing, his throat raw by the screams of desperation but nothing stopped Eddie. He went in slow, knowing this was the largest part Will had to get used to.

But suddenly, between the wails and sniffles he heard something else. The doorof his trailer closing. No way. Wayne couldn’t be back. Not now. Wayne couldn’t see him violate a kid—

“Sh! Shut up!” He pressed Will’s face down, trying to smother the sounds. Will could hardly breathe but he found some sort of reassurance somehow. If someone could hear him, they would save him. Someone was coming. He would be rescued. So despite Eddie’s rough hand almost suffocating him down the sheets, he still screamed. This would be over soon, this would all be a nightmare.

“I said shut up!” Eddie whispered. He didn’t think of locking the door. Hell, he didn’t even close his bedroom door. What a f*cking idiot. He was so certain he would be alone all day—

The steps came closer. He didn’t have the time to pull out and hide Will now. He was screwed, Will wouldn’t shut up, Wayne already heard for sure— but why didn’t he call his name?

Wayne would always announced himself when he was back. He did walk in while Eddie was with a guy once, but he stepped away, not wanting to intrude. This was completely unusual of him to walk in Eddie’s room direction without even calling for him first. The screams might’ve alarmed him. He maybe grabbed a bat and was ready to bash an intruders head in. F—

He saw who it was. And he sighed in relief.

Billy’s figure appeared through the frame of the door. He wasn’t smiling, but he didn’t look angry either, it was a good sign.

Eddie finally relaxed. He let his shoulder melt down, his breathing finally coming back to normal.

“Oh! Hey Hargrove”

“Hey” he greeted, as if Billy walking in another guy f*cking his boyfriend was a completely normal scenery. He did allow him though, why should he be worried about his reaction.

Upon hearing his boyfriend’s voice, Will’s head freed itself from Eddie’s hand stabilizing him there, turning towards the door where he was standing.

“B-billy! Billy help me!” He started calling. His prayers had been heard, help really was on the way.

“Did I miss anything interesting?” He instead asked Eddie, dismissing Will’s desperate cry for help.

“I was just starting. Still good with you right? I’ll give you a whole ounce”

“Oh sh*t, an ounce? Yeah. f*ck, of course it’s good with me” his face almost illuminated, smiling for the first time. His gaze stopped on Will’s face, streaks of tears wetting his cheeks.

“Billy.. Billy he’s hurting me” he sniffled, voice so meek and exhausted it was pitiful.

“C’mon Will don’t be a crybaby. I know you can do it. For me?” Billy asked him gently, approaching the bed.

Eddie had stopped moving, but the kid being distracted gave him the opportunity to push back inside.

Will whined loudly, vision blurry, head filled with a storm of questions. Why wasn’t Billy helping?

“Hel..p me” he just said with no real conviction.

Billy stroked his cheek nicely, drying the tears rolling there.

“It’s gonna be alright. I know how much you love this. I know I trained you well. Just let it go, okay?”

Eddie was surprised upon noticing that Billy was talking with a really soft-spoken voice. That even his gesture seemed comforting. Maybe he was whoring out Will, but he sure as hell cared at least a little bit. He waited for a signal before moving, almost feeling like an intruder in his own room while his co*ck was halfway inside of Will, while his boyfriend was standing beside. What a weird, f*cked up scenario.

“So.. can I?” He asked. And with a nod, Billy gave him the confirmation he could keep going, stepping further away from Will to observe.

“No- No!” Will shouted again. But no matter how much the kid would object, Eddie wouldn’t change his mind. Especially not after receiving the green light from Billy himself. Eddie pushed, sinking inside, feeling Will all around his hard co*ck. The box of his hips met Will’s ass and he let himself enjoy the sensation, being as deep as he could.

“He’s.. hurting me…” Will slurred. “I-t h-hurts! Billy he’s- h-he.. hurting me” his speech became incoherent, simply garbling with a weak voice hoping Billy would come to his senses and help. But the other guy didn’t have one f*ck to give. Eddie hadn’t even started, he knew Will could handle so much more.

Sloppily, Eddie f*cked inside, hips crashing against Will’s ass at each thrust. With slow and deep stroke he pushed, back and forth. Will’s hole wasn’t dry per se, but he could use a little lube. Maybe this would help the glide and make him stop screeching so much.

“Hey, Billy? I’ve got lube in my nightstand, bottom drawer can you.. please?” He said a little short for breath. He wasn’t even going fast, yet the air was still escaping his lungs, he wondered where the hell it went. He guessed Will just took his breath away, and with an ass like his he could understand why.

Billy gave a dry chuckle and walked towards the nightstand, bending and immediately finding the bottle Eddie wanted. In the meantime he stayed immobile, pressing hard on Will’s prostate while waiting for Billy to bring the lube to him.

He threw it to him, right on the bed, then he came back to his initial place, where he had a good view.

Eddie opened the cap and let go of Will’s hips. He poured a generous amount in his palm, then slowly pulled his dick out. Will sniffled instead of screaming, which was good. And once he had entirely left him, he coated his co*ck in lube with fast stroke. With the rest, he wet Will’s entrance, the rim and a bit in the inside as well.

“Pass the bottle?” He heard Billy say once he was done. Eddie threw it to him and the man caught it with one hand, as Eddie wiped off his on the sheets.

“This should be better now..” he told Will softly, as though he was trying to reassure him. Preemptively, Will bit into the sheets waiting for Eddie to push inside again.

Eddie wasted no time, and with the lube it was infinitely better. He slid inside like he was meant to be in there, like the space was meant to welcome him. Tight enough to put pressure on his co*ck and send him to cloud nine. Still open enough to be able to move easily.

“That’s a really good f*cktoy you got there..” he let out in one breath, addressing himself to Billy who was unbuckling his large black belt.

“I know, the best of the best” he smirked, pushing his pants down, visibly very comfortable at the thought of being a cuck. Eddie never thought Billy could ever get off seeing his property in the hand of someone else. He looked like the possessive, territorial kind. And yet there he was, a complete voyeur, pushing his boxer down to free his hard co*ck. And god— Eddie couldn’t understand why Will would complain about him. Eddie wasn’t small, he had a relatively good size, perfectly adequate. Billy was just ridiculous though, if he was whining and screaming for his he couldn’t imagine the wailing he must’ve relished feeling Billy’s f*cking tree pounding his hole.

Eddie focused his attention back to Will, sliding his hands to his waist. He had a very cute and grab-able waist. He was so nice to touch overall. He couldn’t stop caressing his skin as he jerked his hips, back and forth, repeating the motion. Regularly but always progressively harder. Will let out moans, soft and tired. He just couldn’t control himself when Eddie would hit right on his spot. This amused him.

Billy poured some cold lube onto his hand and started stroking himself. Twirling his hand around the head watching his boy have his ass pummelled by another guy. That was the best deal he ever made. Free drugs and a whole spectacle in front of his eyes? Will getting off from another man, because of something he himself orchestrated? The luckiest guy in the world had nothing on him in that instant. He watched the way Eddie’s dick disappeared in and out of Will’s pink hole. He felt him countless of times, he could imagine so well the sensations around him.
He tightened his grip around his own dick to mimic Will clenching around him and moved his hand with slow strokes. His thumb brushed over the head, he groaned low, eyes directed at Will’s gorgeous crying face.

“You’re doing so well baby. Look at me” he grunted as his arm repeated the same motion over and over.

Will obeyed, because he always would. He turned his face towards Billy, the tears from his left eye wetting his right cheek as it dropped. Unsteady, he kept being rocked by Eddie who started speeding up. He wasn’t going so gently now, rutting against his ass like an unleashed beast. He crushed Will’s hipbone between his fingers, varying between slow but harsh and deep thrust, and fast, quick ones. Will whimpered every time he felt his heavy balls crash against him, legs trembling out of his control. Wounded and weak, he squealed while his mouth was sealed shut and throat tight. His breathing was shallow through his nose, tears blinding his vision.

Billy touched his length from base to tip restlessly, still wondering why Will crying would turn him on so much. And Eddie never stopped. He rocked Will’s manipulable body so easily, messing up his own sheets. The bed was already messy before they came in but now the sheets were no longer tucked under the bed. Ready to fall at any moment and bunched up, the only thing holding them in place being Will’s light weight and his fists. Soon he started moaning as well, figuring he had nothing to be ashamed of, giving Billy kept letting out gruff groans right beside. Messily he started going off the rhythm he had established, f*cking in deep with no real coherence in his movements anymore. He changed the angle, lifting himself up a bit more so he’d crash down on Will with more strength. He wasn’t holding back anymore, he abused Will’s hole and sunk into his prostate. The kid’s whimpers turned into pained moans, gasping every time he would feel the head prodding at his bundle of nerves. His mouth hung wide open, throat dry though his lips were shiny with drool. And only a few more thrusts were necessary, before the boy came. Every muscle of his body shook, he almost collapsed down on the mattress, he would’ve if Eddie hadn’t held his waist and hips up. But he didn’t give him the chance to get back from his org*sm. He coaxed him through it and kept going, chasing after his own high.

“Aw babe. You came all over the sheets.. we’re gonna need to- cut that useless little dick off mh..” Billy commented with a jerky rhythm in his sentence, like he had trouble speaking, forming his thoughts.

Sloppy yet hard, Eddie shoved himself continuously, dick twitching and ready to spill. Will squealed a couple more times, body still somehow jolting from his climax. Then Eddie reached his own. He shouted a moan, throwing his head back and closing his eyes as he finished deep within him. He sighed pleasurably, smiling to himself, a satisfied “ah” coming from the pit of his stomach. He stayed buried in, just to feel the heat, the comforting warmth pressing around his co*ck. Will’s tight walls felt like velvet over the side of his length, he wasn’t ready to let go of it just yet. And Billy still wasn’t done.

He didn’t last long after. He f*cked into his fist a couple times, going so fast he forced himself to come, thick white ropes landing on the bed and some drops onto Will, who now was spent and had stopped crying.

Billy smirked, giving the same satisfied sigh Eddie did.

It all went fast afterwards. Billy pulled his pants back on, Eddie pulled out, leaving Will’s hole filled and some drop escaping and trickling down his thighs, which frankly if Eddie had a camera at arms length he would’ve taken a picture to have the image of this forever.

He got dressed back, and as he fetched his weed in his hidden spot, Billy took care of Will.

He put his pants back on, helped him stand up, Eddie even heard Billy whispering to him “don’t worry, I won’t actually cut your dick. If you can even call it that” he said it in a joking, nice manner but Will wasn’t laughing. Not the slightest bit.

He came back to them, all he needed in hand. “I don’t mind that he came on the sheets, I was going to clean it up anyway. That dick’s too cute to be cut off, mh?” He said to try and gain a smile out of Will, but the kid wouldn’t even look in his direction. He looked moody and pale, almost sick.

Eddie cleared his throat and handed Billy both weed and special K, a generous amount at that.

“Nice doing business with you” Billy smiled smugly, before walking with Will hooked under his arm, ready to go. Eddie didn’t know what to say yet, he let them walk all the way through the living room, ready to open the door.

“Hey uh-” he eventually mustered the courage to say.

Billy turned back to him, willing to listen.

“Think I- think we could do that again someday?” He asked, almost shyly. He was normally so confident, not hesitant about taking his place. He felt ridiculous almost being shy asking for this. As if it was unreasonable— almost as if it was a f*cking date he was proposing.

Billy grinned, patting Will’s shoulder and squeezing it “I don’t see why not”

Will’s eyes that were vacant got filled with tears again, already red, remnants of prior ones still staining his cheeks. It was almost as if all of a sudden he came back from his catatonic state, no longer numb, only fear crawling back realizing he’d have to do it again.

Eddie bended at the waist, extending his hand to pat Will on the head gently.

“It’s gonna be alright. You’ll even like me after a bit, okay? I’m looking forward to seeing you again”

He caressed his brown, smooth head, searching for his avoidant eyes. Will just didn’t dare meet them.

“What do we say sweetheart?” Billy asked him, shaking his shoulder to try and get him to react.

“Will? What do you say to Eddie?”

Will’s eyes slowly went up, one drop of emotion managed to escape. He trailed his gaze with difficulty to finally meet Eddie’s. And with a sore, exhausted voice, told him “Thank you, Eddie”

Hell is Other People - thisoursecret (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Views: 6454

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.