16 Spiritual Meanings of Right & Left Hand & Symbolism | Spiritual Posts (2024)

The hand is the body part most frequently depicted in symbols, and it has been used to convey a wide range of meanings across cultures and traditions.

In many cultures, the right hand is considered more dominant and luckier than the left, while in others, both hands have positive meanings.

The right hand is often associated with rationality, strength, and authority, while the left hand is associated with intuition, creativity, and receptivity.

In this blog, we will explore the spiritual meanings and symbolism of the right and left hand, and how they have been used in different contexts throughout history.

We will also discuss some of the most common hand symbols and their meanings, as well as biblical interpretations, and hand dreams meanings.

16 Spiritual Meanings of Right & Left Hand & Symbolism | Spiritual Posts (1)

The right hand carries positive attributes of blessing, mercy, authority, power, and strength, symbolizing creation, protection, and honor. In contrast, the left hand is often linked to negative notions like weakness, foolishness, and deviousness, while also representing the feminine and lunar aspects, along with mystery and intuition. Generally, the right hand is perceived as more favorable and luckier than the left hand, but exceptions exist, emphasizing the multifaceted nature of hand symbolism across the world’s beliefs and traditions.

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Hand Symbolism and Meanings

16 Spiritual Meanings of Right & Left Hand & Symbolism | Spiritual Posts (2)

The right hand is often associated with dominance, strength, and good luck in various cultures. It symbolizes power, blessings, and positive actions, often considered the “Hand of God” in religious contexts.

On the other hand, the left hand is linked to subtlety, intuition, and feminine energy. It may represent creativity and emotional expression but has faced negative connotations and taboos in some cultures.

The left hand has been wrongly associated with evil or the devil in superstitions and folklore.

However, modern efforts seek to promote equality and inclusivity for left-handed individuals and challenge these negative perceptions.

Right and Left Hand Symbolism

16 Spiritual Meanings of Right & Left Hand & Symbolism | Spiritual Posts (3)

In many cultures and belief systems, the right and left hands have been imbued with symbolic meanings that reflect various aspects of life, spirituality, and behavior.

Here are some common symbolisms and meanings associated with the right and left hands:

A. Right Hand Symbolism and Representations

1. Dominance and Strength

The right hand is often seen as the dominant hand for the majority of people, as it is typically the hand used for tasks that require strength and precision. Symbolically, this can represent power, control, and assertiveness.

2. Good Luck and Blessings

In several cultures, the right hand is considered lucky and is associated with receiving blessings. It is often used for important ceremonies, such as giving blessings or making oaths.

3. Positive Actions and Virtue

The right hand is commonly associated with positive actions, virtues, and moral conduct. In some religious traditions, the right hand is used for acts of charity and goodwill.

4. Hand of God

In religious contexts, the right hand is often referred to as the “Hand of God” and is seen as a symbol of divine power, protection, and guidance.

B. Left Hand Symbolism and Representations

1. Subtlety and Intuition

The left hand is often associated with intuition and sensitivity. It is considered the “thinking” hand, representing creativity, artistic abilities, and subtler emotions.

2. Feminine Energy

In certain cultures, the left hand is linked to the feminine side of a person’s nature. It may be connected with qualities such as receptivity, nurturing, and emotional expression.

3. Negativity and Taboos

Unfortunately, in some cultures, the left hand has been associated with negative connotations. It has been seen as unclean or inappropriate for certain actions, such as giving or receiving objects, eating, or touching others.

4. Hand of the Devil

In superstitions and folklore, the left hand has sometimes been linked to evil or the devil. This association likely arose due to the negative connotations and misunderstandings of left-handedness in the past.

Right Hand Spiritual Meaning and Significance

The right hand holds spiritual significance in various cultures and belief systems. It is associated with divine blessings, power, and acts as a conduit for spiritual energy and healing.

Additionally, the right hand is commonly used for giving blessings, symbolizing protection, and expressing devotion in prayer and worship across different religious traditions.

Sure, let’s delve into each of the spiritual meanings associated with the right hand in more detail, along with relevant background information:

1) Divine Blessings

In many religious and spiritual traditions, the right hand is believed to be more auspicious and sacred than the left hand.

When giving or receiving blessings, it is customary to use the right hand. This belief is deeply ingrained in various cultures and can be traced back to ancient times.

For example, in Christianity, the right hand is often associated with God’s favor and blessing.

In Hinduism, the right hand is used for giving and receiving offerings during prayers and ceremonies as a sign of respect and devotion.

2) Symbol of God’s Power

The association of the right hand with divine power is rooted in religious texts and stories. In several religious scriptures, God’s right hand is depicted as a symbol of strength, protection, and authority.

For instance, in the Bible, there are numerous references to the right hand of God, symbolizing His omnipotence and ability to deliver His people from adversity.

3) Sacred Gestures and Mudras

Mudras, or hand gestures, are an essential part of many spiritual practices, especially in Eastern traditions like Buddhism and Hinduism.

Different mudras are formed using specific hand positions, including the right hand, to channel energy, focus the mind, and evoke spiritual meanings.

For example, in Buddhist meditation, the Dhyana mudra is formed with both hands resting on the lap, and the right hand over the left, symbolizing deep contemplation and concentration.

4) Conducting Spiritual Energy

Many spiritual healers and practitioners believe that the right hand acts as a conduit for spiritual energy. It is thought to have a higher vibrational frequency that can be used to direct healing energies to others.

This concept is commonly seen in various forms of energy healing, such as Reiki, where practitioners use their right hand to channel and transfer healing energy to the recipient.

5) Blessing Others

Blessing others is a significant part of religious and spiritual rituals worldwide. The act of using the right hand to bless is seen as a way to convey positive intentions, protection, and goodwill to others.

For example, priests and religious leaders often use their right hand to bless congregants during ceremonies and rites.

6) Protection from Evil

The belief in the protective qualities of the right hand against evil forces is prevalent in many cultures.

People may perform hand gestures or draw symbols with their right hand as a form of protection from negative energies or malevolent entities.

Such practices are found in various cultural and religious traditions and are often used to ward off evil or bad luck.

7) Spiritual Healing

In spiritual and energy healing practices, the right hand is frequently utilized to direct healing energies to the recipient.

The belief is that the right hand possesses a stronger energy flow, making it more effective in channeling healing vibrations.

Practitioners often place their right hand over specific areas of the body to facilitate healing and balance the recipient’s energy.

8) Connection with the Divine

Raising the right hand is a common gesture in prayer, meditation, and worship. It symbolizes reaching out to connect with the divine and expressing devotion, reverence, and surrender.

This gesture is prevalent across various religious traditions, reflecting a deep spiritual longing to connect with a higher power.

Left Hand Spiritual Meaning and Significance

The left hand holds spiritual significance as a symbol of intuition, creativity, and feminine energy in various belief systems.

It is believed to be receptive to spiritual messages, facilitate healing energy flow, and connect with ancestors and spirits.

This symbolism emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony between the physical and spiritual aspects of life.

1) Intuition and Inner Wisdom

The left hand is often associated with intuition and inner wisdom in spiritual and esoteric practices.

This belief stems from the concept that the left side of the body is connected to the right hemisphere of the brain, which is associated with creativity, emotions, and intuition.

As a result, the left hand is considered the receptive hand, symbolizing the ability to sense subtle energies, emotions, and insights from within and the surrounding environment.

2) Feminine Energy and Goddess Connection

Across various cultures and spiritual traditions, the left hand has been linked to feminine energy and the divine feminine principle.

In many belief systems, the divine is often personified as both masculine and feminine energies.

The left hand is seen as embodying the nurturing, creative, and intuitive aspects of the universe, symbolizing the powerful feminine force present in all life forms.

3) Artistic Expression and Creativity

The left hand’s association with artistic expression and creativity can be traced back to historical cultural attitudes towards left-handedness.

Throughout history, left-handedness was often considered unusual or even a sign of bad luck.

Consequently, left-handed individuals were encouraged to develop their creative talents as a way to offset perceived disadvantages.

This led to the idea that the left hand is connected to the creative and artistic side of human nature.

4) Spiritual Healing and Energy Flow

In various healing practices like Reiki, energy healing, and other spiritual modalities, the left hand is believed to be instrumental in directing healing energy.

The left hand is seen as a conductor of spiritual energy, facilitating the flow of healing vibrations to oneself or others.

Practitioners use their left hand to channel positive energy, promote balance, and alleviate imbalances in the body’s energy system.

5) Unlocking Mysteries and Secrets

The belief in the left hand’s ability to unlock mysteries and hidden knowledge is often rooted in mystical and esoteric traditions.

In some cultures, the left hand is thought to be more attuned to accessing the subconscious mind and spiritual realms.

This perception may have arisen due to the association of the right brain hemisphere (linked to the left hand) with imaginative thinking and the exploration of deeper aspects of the mind.

6) Receiving Spiritual Messages

The left hand is believed to be receptive to receiving spiritual messages and insights. This idea aligns with the concept of being open and attuned to the guidance of higher powers or the universe.

In spiritual practices such as divination or meditation, the left hand is sometimes used as a focal point for receiving intuitive messages or interpreting symbolic meanings.

7) Connection with Ancestors and Spirits

In some cultures and belief systems, the left hand is associated with connecting to ancestors and spirits. It is considered a conduit for communication with departed loved ones and spiritual entities.

This belief is intertwined with the notion that the left hand can facilitate a link between the physical world and the spiritual realm.

8) Balance and Harmony

The left hand is seen as representing the counterbalance to the right hand’s active and assertive energy. It signifies the importance of maintaining balance and harmony between the physical and spiritual aspects of life.

Emphasizing the significance of both hands working together, this concept encourages individuals to integrate their intuitive and receptive nature with their practical and action-oriented side.

Hand Signs, Symbols, and Their Meanings Spiritual

16 Spiritual Meanings of Right & Left Hand & Symbolism | Spiritual Posts (4)
Hand Signs & SymbolsSpiritual Meanings
1) Hand of Hamsa / Hand of FatimaSymbolizes protection from negative vibrations. Appears in Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam.
2) Inverted HamsaRepresents abundance and manifestation of prosperity.
3) Hopi HandOriginates from the Hopi tribe, emits healing vibrations, with the spiral representing the Universe.
4) Abhaya MudraA simple mudra in Buddhism, promotes humility, strength, and protection.
5) Namaste or Anjali MudraA gesture of respect and healing, reduces stress, promotes balance, and flexibility.
6) Fingers with Five ElementsEach finger connected to an element, symbolizes connection with the elements through mudras.
7) Hand with Mala BeadsSymbolizes spiritual devotion and the significance of the number 108 in various religions.
8) Lotus MudraOriginates from Buddhist and Hindu traditions, opens the heart center and amplifies self-love.
9) Kubera MudraAttracts prosperity, named after the Hindu God of wealth and good luck – Kubera.
10) Garuda (Eagle) MudraInvokes a sense of lightness, awakening, and invigoration, balances the air element in the body.
11) Gyan MudraWell-known mudra for meditation, enhances focus and prevents the mind from wandering.
12) Prithvi (Earth) MudraConnects to the Earth element, increases groundedness and a sense of safety.
13) Prana (Life Energy) MudraActivates life force energy, ideal for overcoming lethargy and lack of motivation.
14) Surya (Sun) MudraIncreases confidence and activates the solar plexus chakra, stimulating the fire element.
15) Vayu (Air) MudraDecreases the air element, beneficial for anxiety or sleep issues.
16) Akash (Space) MudraBalances the ether element, connects to the divine and higher self.
17) Buddhi (Wisdom/Knowledge) MudraBalances the water element, enhances intuition and feminine aspects.

Biblical Meanings of Right and Left Hands

The right hand and left hand in the Bible hold diverse symbolic meanings.

The right hand is often associated with strength, favor, protection, and blessings from God, while the left hand can represent wealth, honor, or occasionally negative connotations.

Both hands symbolize God’s creativity and our unique design, encouraging us to recognize His handiwork and bring Him glory.

A. Right Hand Biblical Meanings

1. Strength and Power

The right hand is frequently associated with strength and power, representing God’s mighty hand.

In Exodus 15:6, it is proclaimed, “Your right hand, O Lord, is glorious in power. Your right hand, O Lord, smashes the enemy.” This verse emphasizes God’s supremacy and ability to defeat His adversaries.

2. Protection and Salvation

The right hand of God is seen as a place of refuge and protection for those who trust in Him.

Psalm 17:7 declares, “Wondrously show Your lovingkindness, O Savior of those who take refuge at Your right hand from those who rise up against them.” This verse conveys the idea that seeking God’s shelter brings safety and salvation.

3. Favor and Honor

In biblical times, sitting at someone’s right hand denoted a position of honor and favor. Psalm 110:1 illustrates this concept, saying, “The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.'” This verse foretells the exalted status of the Messiah at God’s right hand.

4) Blessing and Guidance

The right hand is associated with receiving blessings and guidance from God. Genesis 48:14 narrates how Jacob blessed his grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh by laying his right hand on Ephraim’s head, indicating the bestowing of blessings.

B. Left Hand Biblical Meanings

1. Wealth and Honor

In contrast to the right hand, the left hand is linked to riches and honor in Proverbs 3:16, which states, “Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.”

This verse metaphorically attributes both hands to personified wisdom, signifying the abundance of blessings.

2. Negative Connotations

The left hand is occasionally mentioned negatively in the Bible, though it does not necessarily imply a curse or weakness.

In Matthew 25:41, Jesus speaks of the final judgment, saying, “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.'” Here, the left hand represents those who did not show compassion to others.

3. Balance and Equality

While the right hand is often perceived as superior, the left hand can still hold a position of honor and equality.

In Matthew 20:21, the mother of James and John requests for her sons to sit, one at Jesus’ right hand and one at His left, in His kingdom. This reflects a desire for positions of high regard and authority.

4. Symbol of God’s Creativity

Both our hands, right and left, symbolize God’s creativity and our ability to bring Him glory.

Psalm 139:14 praises God’s wondrous creation, declaring, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

This verse acknowledges the divine craftsmanship evident in the intricacies of the human body, including our hands.

Right and Left Hand Symbolism and Spiritual Meanings in Different Religions

Different ReligionsRight Hand Symbolism and MeaningsLeft Hand Symbolism and Meanings
1) ChristianityThe right hand is associated with strength, power, protection, favor, and guidance. It represents the hand of God’s strength and ability.The left hand is associated with riches and honor. The Bible mentions the left hand negatively, although it does not imply a curse or weakness.
2) JudaismThe right hand is associated with strength, power, and protection. It is also a position of honor and favor.The left hand is considered inferior to the right hand and is associated with weakness and impurity.
3) IslamThe right hand is associated with strength, power, and blessings. It is also the hand used for eating, drinking, and giving.The left hand is considered impure and is used for cleaning oneself after using the bathroom.
4) HinduismThe right hand is associated with blessings, purity, and auspiciousness. It is also used for performing religious rituals and ceremonies.The left hand is considered impure and is used for cleaning oneself after using the bathroom.
5) BuddhismThe right hand is associated with skillful action, compassion, and wisdom. It is also used for performing religious rituals and ceremonies.The left hand is associated with the body and material world, and is considered less important than the right hand.
6) SikhismThe right hand is associated with strength, power, and blessings. It is also used for performing religious rituals and ceremonies.The left hand is considered impure and is used for cleaning oneself after using the bathroom.
7) TaoismThe right hand is associated with yang energy, which represents strength, power, and action.The left hand is associated with yin energy, which represents receptivity, passivity, and intuition.
8) Native American SpiritualityThe right hand is associated with the sun, which represents strength, power, and action.The left hand is associated with the moon, which represents intuition, emotions, and the feminine.

Seeing Hands in A Dream: Spiritual Interpretations

Dreams are highly subjective experiences, and the meanings of signs and symbols can vary depending on the individual’s personal beliefs, cultural background, and life circ*mstances.

When it comes to seeing signs and symbols of hands in a dream, there are several possible interpretations:

1) Symbol of Control and Power

Hands are often associated with control and power in dreams. Seeing strong, capable hands in a dream may signify a sense of empowerment or the ability to take charge of one’s life and circ*mstances.

2) Expression of Help or Support

Dreaming of hands reaching out or offering help may indicate a desire for support or assistance in waking life. It could also reflect a willingness to support others or a reminder to be receptive to help when needed.

3) Communication and Connection

Hands play a significant role in communication, and dreams featuring hands may represent a desire for better communication or a need to establish deeper connections with others.

4) Creativity and Artistry

Hands are instrumental in creating and crafting, so seeing hands in a dream may symbolize creativity, artistic expression, or the need to explore one’s creative potential.

5) Healing and Restoration

In some cases, dreams of hands can be associated with healing or the need for healing. It might reflect a desire for emotional or physical healing or a reminder to take care of oneself.

6) Guidance or Direction

A dream of hands pointing or gesturing could suggest a need for guidance or a decision-making process in waking life.

7) Moral or Ethical Choices

In certain dreams, hands might symbolize moral dilemmas or ethical choices. It could indicate a need to consider the consequences of one’s actions or decisions carefully.

8) Sensitivity to Touch or Intimacy

Hands are connected to touch and intimacy, and dreaming of hands might reflect feelings of intimacy or the desire for deeper emotional connections with others.

9) Emotional Expression

The position and movement of hands in a dream can convey emotions or emotional states. For example, clenched fists might represent anger or frustration, while open palms could indicate receptivity and openness.

Final Words

The symbolism and spiritual meaning of the right and left hand vary across cultures and traditions, as demonstrated by biblical references.

The right hand signifies strength, power, protection, and favor, symbolizing God’s abilities and blessings. Conversely, the left hand is associated with wealth, balance, and creativity, offering a different perspective on honor and equality.

Both hands serve as profound symbols of our connection to the divine and our capacity to receive guidance and blessings, representing the enduring mystery and wonder of human existence.

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16 Spiritual Meanings of Right & Left Hand & Symbolism | Spiritual Posts (2024)


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